I am the Founding Principal of Clutch Bags LLC /Clutch Made Factory. I started the company in 2001 when I felt that manufacturing needed to come back to the USA and could do this by starting my own handbag collection. I began by desgining, sourcing and then locating a local factory in New York City to manufacture the Clutch NY collection in 2001. From there I continued to sell wholesale to boutiques across the country, partner with websites to sell the collection, run ads in major magazines, book booths at trade shows for accessories, desgin our ecommerce website, write blogs, head up the social media and basically get the company off the gorund and running. It was a full blown ecommerce website for selling bags made in the USA. The manufacturing and design business started in 2012. There was no where for anyone to go to get guidance on how to start their own accessroy business in the USA---so began by working with clients on design, sourcing, sample-making and tech packs---right thru production, websites, photoshoots, video and branding. It tourned out to be a huge success and viola! The manufacturing side of the business was born! We have taken the business of manufactruing and designing in the USA and developed a course for those who are looking to get started with their own business of accessories. It is a step by step system that I have developed to simplify the manufacturing process. I am so happy to share this information and process with you!