The Vegan Gents

Online Course Creator
The Vegan Gents started out like most modern thinkers, we  wanted to be the best version of ourselves. Throughout our studies and extensive research we found that all roads to Optimum health kept leading to a plant based lifestyle. We have ... read more
The Vegan Gents started out like most modern thinkers, we  wanted to be the best version of ourselves. Throughout our studies and extensive research we found that all roads to Optimum health kept leading to a plant based lifestyle.
We have a background and a passion for things that are special and unique and food was no exception. Whenever we could we sought out the best dishes, ingredients and experience. We took notes of what we loved and what we felt we needed to learn more about. Becoming Vegan, that love and curiosity did not change, it expanded.
Who we are:
Danny comes from a luxury background and brings that element to how we present our courses and teaching aesthetics. His ability and love for understanding cultures has giving us a tool that we can incorporate into a well rounded and diversely culture driven teaching method.
Manny is a Nationally Certified Fitness Instructor and Health Advisor, he has studied the field of nutritional biology for over 10 years before and after becoming Vegan. His approach comes from a level of sustainability, by studying nutrition on a biological level his talents have guided us down the path of choosing the best quality ingredients that will not only create a complex dish but also keep our health in mind.
Our Background in the art of teaching:
We have been teaching for over 6 years now but have been in the field of teaching and education throughout our career. Whether it was teaching new recruits the quality of a perfect Espresso or educating junior chefs at William Sonoma, we've always found ourselves wanted to share our knowledge.
We began this Vegan journey over 6 years ago and as we imagined we found ourselves eager to share what we've discovered. We started a Meet-up in Tampa Florida Called Plant Based Meet-up with The Vegan Gents where we would bring the "YouTube" cooking world to a live audience and share our knowledge and our food with others just as eager to learn as we were. 
As of today, we are blessed with over 1,000 members on Meet-Up who truly believe in our passion and love for The Art Of Vegan Cooking. We have a special bond that was formed through this way of living and do our best to incorporate it into our classes, our teaching and most of all our food. So welcome to The Vegan Gents and enjoy the journey.

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