Best-selling author and double certified coach, Stacey Yates Sellar helps parents of kids with ADHD learn 4 secrets to overcome the behavior challenges they face daily. She created Happier By The Minute to break down the research and the rigor of Positive Psychology and Conscious Parenting into bite size morsels, easy to digest for busy, stressed parents. Her motivational content began with one-minute videos and grew into a top-rated happiness Podcast, life-changing masterclasses, engaging workshops, private and group coaching, national and international speaking engagements. Stacey already had 20 years of personal improvement and child development experience but when she became a mom of a child with learning differences and ADHD she immersed herself even deeper into research and application. She has had such great success with her children that she knew she had to share the secrets of her success with other parents. With over 10k followers, she has positively impacted thousands of parents and children; improving relationships, decreasing stress and, hopefully, saving children from years of therapy later in life ;0) See more about Stacey and get access to more tips and tools at and IG@happierbyminute