Jimmy Morrison co-wrote and directed the award-winning documentary The Housing Bubble with NY Times bestselling author Tom Woods. Jimmy drove over 35,000 miles shooting interviews with people that predicted the crash like Ron Paul, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, Jim Grant, and David Stockman. Morrison produced and ran a camera for the mockumentary Rocksteppy, starring Jake Dilley and McManus Woodend, best known for his recurring role as the GEICO caveman. The film features Jeff Dowd: the Coen Brothers original inspiration for “The Dude,” as well as cameos from Oscar-winning directors David Lynch and Peter Farrelly. David Lynch had picked Jimmy and Jake’s music video Aperture for a grant, which also screened at the Minneapolis St. Paul Film Festival. In 2008, Jimmy started Iowa Patients for Medical Marijuana, successfully lobbying the first Board of Pharmacy in the country to recommend marijuana be rescheduled as medicine, which the bipartisan board supported unanimously. The organization received a grant from the Marijuana Policy Project and has grown exponentially since Jimmy stepped down in 2011. Jimmy worked closely with Gary Johnson from 2010-2011 on his Republican Presidential campaign.