Seed Academy

SoDak Labs, Inc.
Seed Academy was developed to help individuals understand the importance of seed biology, seed technology, seed identification, quality assurance, seed sampling and gentic technology. We offer both online and onsite training courses.  ... read more
Seed Academy was developed to help individuals understand the importance of seed biology, seed technology, seed identification, quality assurance, seed sampling and gentic technology. We offer both online and onsite training courses. 
Online Courses offer convenient remote training, reducing travel costs and time away from work/home. Access our online courses from the comfort of your own computer. Online courses are scheduled for small periods of time, spread over multiple weeks, to allow you to continue your daily responsibilities while learning.
SoDak Labs is your trusted seed testing partner located in Brookings, SD. With over 200 years of testing experience in the seed industry, SoDak Labs is an employee-owned business. We provide purity, germination, vigor, trait, ELISA, electrophoresis, and cultivar purity tests. Currently, our facility performs over 100,000 tests on 50 different species annually. SoDak Labs tests according to AOSA or ISTA rules. In addition, we provide training for ISTA sampling and issue both Orange & Blue Certificates.
We believe it is important for seed producers, distributors, laboratory staff and others to understand what seed testing means, which is why SoDak Labs is dedicated to training. Our Seed Academy offers seed biology online courses and seed quality on-site workshops throughout the year geared toward this initiative.

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