Guide To Write An Essay Outline - 2021 A strong introduction can make all the difference. It serves to engage your reader, and orient her/him into the main idea of your essay. The best way to write a strong introduction is to provide an interesting quote that will guide you through the rest of your write my essay as it relates to that quote.   I have never believed in using only one source for information on a topic, but rather use numerous sources with different perspectives which allow me to form my own opinions about topics. To illustrate the point that chance plays a huge role even in events that seem inevitable, I would like firstly to draw from historical precedence; going back to World War II, there was probably no more certain event than nazi Germany's eventual invasion of the Soviet Union. The spring of 1941 saw Germany, under Hitler's control, march into France and conquer French territory and thus leave Russia to isolate itself from Europe. Furthermore, the Germans had surrounded themselves with nations sympathetic to Nazi ideals, leaving the USSR as their only concern. However despite all this, when German troops finally invaded in June of 1941 they were stopped by a shocked Russian military (Takeshita) or seek an essay writer help. The significance of this event is that it indicates that even events which seem assured are greatly subject to change based on chance events – hence my belief that we should never predict something until after it has already happened rather than trying to plan for its inevitability. This next quote an writer would like to use relates closely back to my position on using many sources, for it emphasizes the importance of having a wide variety of perspectives. "For how shall we know the truth, except we seek it out with industrious hands and inquisitive minds? There is no truer saying than this, that he who knows few things knows them wrong. But all men since Adam have erred in one thing or another; even Socrates was in doubt at times; what wonder is it then if you and I are mistaken?" (Sissela Bok 28). This quote from Sissela Bok talks about how it is important to acknowledge our own fallibility when write my paper based on information received from various sources as we are bound to make mistakes while still trying to achieve the most truthful answer possible. It is important to note that, while I did use one source for my introduction, the remainder of my essay will consist of statements from multiple sources supporting and strengthening my various points. To continue with our discussion on historical occurrences being subject to chance events beyond their control (as seen in World War 2), let us now move forward chronologically to the period known as the Cold War – a time between 1946-1991 marked by intense political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union or else consider an essay writing service. There were many aspects of this time period that are significant when looking at them today; however what I am interested in discussing relates back to an analysis of how these nations dealt with each other during this time of rivalry. Specifically, I want to examine whether tensions between the US and USSR could have actually escalated into all out warfare. In considering this question, it is important to look at some of the factors which contributed to an overall tense environment – for example, many Americans believed that communism was a danger to their way of life and thus were in favor of going to war (Tories). American fear of communism was certainly not unfounded as many communist leaders such as Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin embraced mass murder in order to eliminate their political opposition or else consider a paper writing service. As a matter of fact, both nations practiced brinkmanship by engaging in nuclear testing that threatened human extinction (Zinsser). The real question then becomes whether or not tensions could have escalated beyond simply creating an atmosphere where both sides were prepared for war but more into the realm of actually fighting.