Hello! I'm Dr. JoNataye ~ Thank you for visiting my profile. I am an author-college & career coach - professor. I consider myself a servant leader with over 15 years of experience in education and non-profit fields as a college professor and administrator, school social worker, and consultant. Students, educators, and human service practitioners globally have benefited from my trainings, compassion, and spirit of enthusiasm to transform their organization, professional and personal lives. Her Resources I am passionate about providing online resources to help learners succeed in personally and professionally. I am the author of "Don't Even Think About Getting Your Ph.D. Without Reading this Book First." Also, I researched and wrote the forward for the book, "The Best College Student Survival Guide Ever Written." Her Education I achieved my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and African-American Studies (1999), Master's in Social Work (2001), and Ph.D. (2010) from The Ohio State University. Her Enjoyment I love to travel and enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. Her Contact Information: Website: drjonataye.com Social Media: @drjonataye