Candia Lea Cole

The Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle Mentor
Candia Lea Cole is a widely celebrated author and holistic health educator who supports individuals, families, and wellness edcuatiors in learning about (and teaching others about) eco-intelligent living. Eco-intelligent living is all about... read more
Candia Lea Cole is a widely celebrated author and holistic health educator who supports individuals, families, and wellness edcuatiors in learning about (and teaching others about) eco-intelligent living. Eco-intelligent living is all about creating a lifestyle that serves to integrate your personal health needs with the planet's health needs.
As the founder of Eco-Learning Legacies, Candia has created dozens of educational tools (including whole foods cookbooks, infographics, curriculums, game activities, and Eco-Mentor leadership trainings), that support people in creating a deep and delicious experience of holistic health and well-being. 
Candia Lea's journey to eco-intelligent living began during her teenage years when she found herself dealing with a number of serious health challenges that allopathic medical doctors didn't have the expertise to diagnose or treat.  As a result, she embarked on a self-healing journey that led her to learn about alternative medicine and the natural healing arts.
Through the course of her studies, she realized that her health challenges, --caused in large part, by her exposure to toxins (both n the womb, and outside of it) were a mirror reflection of the Earth's health challenges. She made the decision to adopt a clean, green, organic lifestyle, ---one that would detoxify and rejuevinate her body, as well as the Earth's terrestrial body.   
If you're ready to awaken your innate eco-intelligence, and if you're seeking a kind, heart-centered mentor, Candia is for you! She beleives in meeting people where they are at on their life journeys, and doesn't impose hard rules on them or insist that there is only one diet, or one healing path to follow for optimal health. Health, she says, "is a process of discovering your authentic needs, and using your awareness of them to become more whole."

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