This is a Guided Meditation used to induce an altered state of consciousness that aligns you with the energy of your light working Skills.
You have a soul tribe vibrating at the same frequency as your Quintessence Code and you are all united through this energy that carries “light information” regarding your life path, psychic gifts, your calling in life, and the unique message you give to the ascending world.
We are moving ever closer to Unity Consciousness and Aligning with your time of birth allows you to draw upon infinite resources.
I will teach you how to align and connect with your Higher Self, Sub-Conscious mind, and Collective Consciousness. More and more people these days have raised their energy field to connect with their Higher-self and it is this connection and relationship that unites the collective consciousness to allow freedom to express your true nature.
Your time of birth will tell you on a soul level, what you came here to achieve and how you agreed to help humanity in communion with all other souls resonating at your Soul Life Path frequency. "From our cells to our Souls, to the Cosmos - Everything is connected through vibrational frequency."
Suggested Requirments: