Alright guys, and now for D edit. Here's this beautiful image. Let me show you the settings. This was shot 111 seconds f 22 ISO 100 I use a 10 stop ND filter. And this was right after sunrise. As you can see the sun is right behind this clouds.
So let me take that off. That's the IKEA information. There's another bonus shortcut information, press the I key and it'll give you all the info on that particular photo. So let's get started. We'll right click will reset all the settings and let's go through this image together. Now first thing I want to do is I want to open up my shadows that way I can see my foreground and I can see this image a little bit better.
Next thing I want to do I want to bring down the highlights. What that allows me to do is, is simply get more clarity out of the sky. Next thing I want to do, I want to come down here to my lens corrections I'm gonna enable Krum remove chromatic aberration and enable profile corrections. As you can see, this allows me to see the image that much better. And right now I have a really really nice canvas to start working with. Next thing I want to do, I want to come back here to my basic panels and so I'm not quite done.
And I want to come here to my vibrance, and I want to bring this all the way up. Maybe like 84 might be a little much, but it actually looks really good because the image was really flat to begin with. So I really, really liked that I might want to even bring it up a little more, but I think that's good for now. Next thing I want to do, I want to bring a little contrast into the photo and that just makes the colors a little more punchy as you can see, let me reset that for you. See it looks a little bit flat, the colors are flat, but if you look at It when you give a contrast, it just makes it punchy just makes it really, really nice. Now another thing that really really bothers me about this image is the people in the have been burnt in the image, as you can see here is one silhouette of a person not to get rid of these people, we're just going to zoom in to just click on the photo.
And now you're going to come here to your Brush Tool to your Spot Removal Tool. And we're simply going to get rid of that image. Well first, let's get rid of this little little bully in the water is just just kind of weird. And now we can concentrate on this silhouette. Now we'll bring this all the way down maybe right there. And Lightroom will do its best to kind of match everything up but as you can see, there's a like a tip there.
So we'll just have to raise this up just a tad. And that looks really good. Really good. Now we'll zoom out of that checker work. And that looks pretty good, pretty close, maybe there's still a little bit of a divot there. So depending how much attention you want to put to this thing, we'll just raise it up.
And that looks close to perfect. We'll click Done. We'll zoom out. And that looks pretty good. But now we have some more over here. So we'll do the same in this side.
So we'll come here. We'll click our Spot Removal Tool here. And now we'll just go through this one by one. Here's the chair we'll just match the sand with the sand. Here's more silhouettes. You can barely see it.
But to a trained eye, like myself. This is the first thing that I see when I look at a new image. There's another one that looks Really good. And here's another one, just match the sand with the sand the sand line, and you'll be right. Here's another one. And we click that, and then we match the sand with sand in Lightroom does a really nice job of matching everything around it to remove that particular spot.
There's a little one and now we have all those removed, we'll click out of that. And we'll zoom out. And that looks really good. However, here, there is a some guy right here, the silhouette still there, right? So we're gonna zoom in, bring this up a little bit. And now we're gonna do the same exact thing, except we're gonna take our time and we're gonna do it a little more careful.
Now when you're doing this, make sure you don't hit the actual object next to it such as the lifeguard tower because it will create some weird effect. Some blurry effect, see, see what I mean? See that blurry. I'm not sure what the right word is for it, but see what that creates. Let me get out of it so you can see it. Right there see that blurry effect.
So we don't want that. So the way to avoid that, let's delete that. We simply just want to stay away from the green from the green object. In your case, it might be something else in this case is the green object. So we'll click out of that. And look at that matches.
Perfect. Click out of that. Zoom out. That's pretty good. There's still a little bit a little thing right here that I can see. And remember, guys, make sure you take your time doing this it is your photos is your masterpiece.
I'm doing this kind of fast for the sake of this tutorial. I don't want to bore you guys. Too much. So there we go. Remember, take your time, do it right, zoom out. That looks pretty good.
I don't think anybody will ever be able to tell that to the naked eye, you can still even do a better job and make it a little bit better, a little bit nicer, a little bit cleaner. But this looks really nice. After we're done with that, I'm going to come back up here to my basic panel and I just want to deviate a little bit. But this doesn't make basically give some more contrast and that makes the colors pop a little more. So just bring the the haze tool up just a tad, maybe a plus 12. And that looks really nice.
So I'm pretty happy with that. Maybe even a little bit more like plus fifteens 13. If you can't get to the number, just type it in there. 15, Enter. And that looks really nice. I'm pretty happy with that.
What else can we do to this image, this image looks really really good. I mean you can be done with it and be proud of it. You can come up to the temperature. Now if you want to make this more yellow you A little bit warmer by the sun, just bring it to the to the yellow side. That looks a little bit overdone to me, maybe bring it back down a little bit. And to me that looks more balanced, but it is entirely up to us all tastes.
So make sure you do that. The sharpening, I would bring the sharpen up just a tad, just to make sure everything's nice and sharp. I shoot with a very sharp camera today so I don't really need to, if your image is a little bit fuzzy, you can always come here to the sharpening. A way to do the sharpening tool, you can bring up the sharpening, hold your option key and bring this masking tool up. As you can see, it brings this weird black and white thing. Now remember, everything White is being sharpened, everything in black is staying the same.
So I just want my lifeguard tower basically sharpened a little bit. So I'll just bring this up to write about that. Let it go. And there we have it. Now one last thing I like to do to this photo to finish it up just to make it look really, really amazing. I want to come up here to my local adjustment and this is a Radial Filter.
Now I'm going to click on that. And now what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna draw an oval over this lifeguard tower. Now when you're doing this, do not be afraid to go pretty far out. That way, you can get some nice blending options, and some nice blend around your image. Let me close this detail panel so it doesn't create confusion. And now what I want to do is I want to just bring up the exposure just a tad.
Not too much. Don't overdo it. See that's overdone, but I just want to bring it just a subtle, subtle hint. And all I'm doing is I'm brightening up this lifeguard tower. That way it's just a little bit more colorful, a little bit nicer, a little bit brighter, and it's a subtle change. If you come down here to the switch button, you can turn it on Enough.
Here's off. Here's on and as you can see, it's just a very subtle, very beautiful change and the image looks really really, really nice. If you want to learn more about local adjustments, I do have a whole nother class, though where I break them all down and go over him in a few different images so you can learn about it. Thanks so much for watching, guys.