Each class will begin with 3-minute introduction videos. Next, there will be 2 PDF Booklets to download and read. This will be followed by 2 (or 3) 15-minute videos.
Journeys in the Present is an attempt to explain the stages of the spiritual path and offer guidelines for climbing through each stage. Finding the pathway to enlightenment that works for each one takes much trial and error and many starts and stops. We learn of progress that can be made through the stages of the path and guidance on the path through different means offered to us. Each person needs to explore all these other paths, so they will eventually realize, after many, many lifetimes that the answer to the mystery of life was inside them all the time. This is the point at which they no longer have to reincarnate. When they reach this realization and know without a doubt that this is the answer, the truth, then they can, in turn, help others by joining the teachers and guides on the other side.
The soul is what one must contact to know oneself. To know who one truly is, not one particular event or phrase that can be spoken. One’s true self is made up of all the myriad parts of oneself, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person. To know oneself is a combination of knowing what one likes to do with and for his body, to know what things will affect his emotions, what mental thought challenges him to aspire to higher thought and to know what spiritual concepts form the borders of his life. The concepts ingrained into them as children are what will form the experiences of that person for the rest of their life unless the consciousness can be raised to allow these to be changed. Consciousness must grow and expand along with the physical body.
A human being is a complicated and intricate “piece of equipment.” The mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies can be compared exactly to a computer set-up; disk drive, monitor, and printer. The operator of the set-up is you. If you are synthesized in your higher and lower minds and have integrated the soul and the personality, your messages to the computer will be accurate. They, in turn, are given to the disk drive for storage, (seedcore) and can be brought back to your present reality at any time. They also can be expressed in a reflected manner (monitor) and in a concrete manifestation (printer.) Any time wrong input occurs, it breaks the chain reaction between the integrated circuits and the operator of the system. This then brings trouble. Sometimes the trouble is in the form of inaction. In some cases it is in the form of illness and in some it is in the form of explosion.
The Creator’s mind was a large, ungainly, awkward field of energy to try to explore this fascinating new planet with, so the decision was made to split His energy apart into small pieces and let each piece, or spark of His energy, explore on its own. When the Sparks entered the physical bodies, it was never intended that they should lose contact with the main body of the Creator God that stayed in the higher realms. The plan was to always have open lines of communication. Channeling is part of the plan as it allows this communication to take place. Channeling is the mechanism by which the cycle of evolution is accomplished on the earth plane. Therefore, channeling is a natural, normal stage of evolution for humanity, whose time has come.
There are many reasons why this class would be ideal. For one thing, the present movement of people who believe in reincarnation and of the God Within (our inner being) is growing at a very fast pace. It is outdistancing any growth taking place in the churches. The churches are actually losing members to the new spiritual movement. It is definitely time that updated material be put forth in a logical way so the ordinary person can relate to it. At the same time, those with more education are also finding a deeper meaning to their lives from it. There will be no disparagement of the Bible. This new material is correcting misinterpretations that have been around too long. It will make the Bible more believable to have the fairy tales explained and updated with new evolutionary understanding.
This new material is from an “inside” look at things and I believe it is very important to the spiritual evolution and physical growth of humanity. These teachings will help to gently open people’s minds as to other forms of life on other planets. We are not alone, have never been alone, only in our own mind.
The New Millennium Notebooks, based on the Chrysalis Teachings, tie Science and Spirituality together to give updated insights into present-day spiritual teachings. No church is involved; the Chrysalis Teachings will stand alone on the basis of their integrity as a way to introduce people to the new spiritual teachings.
You need to be living your lives by the Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Following are seven statements of belief for the Chrysalis Teachings: