Hello everyone. In this video we are going to start with image search project. The goal of this video is to import all necessary dependencies, so we don't have to worry about them afterwards. The first library that we will need is NumPy. We are going to use it to work with matrices and math functions. Then we will import the OS library, which will help us to look at files and work with that.
One of the more important libraries that we will need to use for the project is open CV. If you haven't worked with it before, don't worry, we will only use it for some basic functions such as reading images and resizing them. For visualization of the modeling part of the project, we will use matplotlib library. The next one is pandas, which probably won't be necessary for the project. But in case we have to work with some CSV files, it will come in handy In this project, we are going to use Pico as a storage option. But obviously you're not restricted to it, you can save data in whatever format you want or need.
Another good option for the project would be SQL. Our library of choice for neural network modeling is TensorFlow. In this course, I do recommend having previous experience with it, but I will go over it in detail, in case you haven't used it before. The next library is dq dm, this one is optional, but it is very useful one it will help us to visualize train process or any other progress in project. Later in the project we will compare vectors with Hamming and cosine distances. These two functions already exist inside pi library.
So import them to be ready for use. And, and finally, we are going to enter the notebook command for matplotlib to keep all the realisations inside the notebook file. And that's it. Now execute the cell and we have all libraries on our disposal. If everything is fine, I'll see you in the next tutorial.