Hello guys HSR damage and welcome to lecture number 23rd. Today we are going to talk about the discount and the reviews How can you add the discount? And how can you review Okay, so now what you need just need to edit your product so which product iPhone six plus product you can also add it from the top so as you can see you have your added product area and you can also add it to your product from here. So totally depend upon you. So go to your variations and now you have your three variations 300 so at the state price here so I'm saying 252 $55 you're selling your regular price is $300 and you are selling your product 250 $5 250 dollar not five. Okay, so now your your actual prizes $400 but The discount is 355 50 rupees deep discounts now to this, but dollars 500 I'm saying $400 save this.
Okay, so now view changes. So as you can see you have your cell tag area and you're selling 250 $5 from 250 $5 to $400. So select your color and you were storage 120 $8 you're selling for $100 Okay, so add to cart. So, press Proceed to Checkout so it is the checkout Proceed to Checkout. Now as you can see you are selling your iPhone six plus in $400 for 128 gb so in this way you can add that discount. I'm not talking about the coupons, I'm talking about the discount.
Okay, so this is a sale price. I'm talking about the sale price. So how can you give the review go to your shop your product. So here is your review section. Your rating here to rating four or five rating and give I'm going to add five ratings so I'm saying here is my review. Okay?
Submit. So now, as you can see, you have your hair is my review good your panel and your product, all product. So this is your product and these are your reviews. You can also add review you pool reviews here. In this way you can add the review so I think this is enough for today. Thank you for watching