And of course the parent integrity, sounds with the blessing is the heart where mention of God is made. family time pray time is an essential means so coming together. Bless it is the sport and the house and the place and the city and the heart and the mountain and the refuge, and the cave and the valley and the land and sea, and the island and the meadow were mentioned of God is made, and it's praise, glorified. Let prayers be the part of the day for one and all. And then of course, the family unity brings incalculable benefits, the unity of members, consulting, being together, consider the harmful effects of discord dissension in a family, and also reflect upon the fables and blessings which descend upon the family, where unity exists among its various members. What is what incalculable benefits and blessings would descend upon that great human family, where unity and brotherhood were established.
So that approach has to be the unity. The family unity brings incalculable benefits to integrative the family bond must be constantly considered, and the rights of the individual members must not be transferred and the approaches to catch them young and innocent. They initiated the perfection bless it is the house where God is remembered blessitt is that how that has attained down to God's tender mercy. When in God's remembrance is celebrated, and which is in noble by the presence of God's loved ones who have proclaimed God's praise, and most deeply in the grace of God, and being honored by chanting Gods versus, truly they are the exalted servants of God. And that's the reflection, every individual need to be a bit of religious in order to control the eagle, the evil inside you know, and that's the approach. One needs to be to be a total quality person.
Of course, make your home a center for divine guidance. Pray to God to graciously make your home a center for the diffusion of the light of divine guidance for the dissemination of the words of God and for kindling at all times the fire of love in the hearts of all human beings. Let it be known to you that every house where in the prayer of the glory is recited is indeed a heavenly home and one of the gardens of delight in the paradise of God. And that's a reflection one needs to encounter with the very preference of Connect among all the family members