Hello friends, let us begin our lecture. Now we are going to see how to create object repositories. in Catalan studio. In object repositories, we will be storing eat REST API requests. We can able to store GET, POST, put, delete, or whatever the type of requests we want in this object repository. The sample requests we are going to use is from redcross.in.
From here, we will be using GET and POST method was to create our test automation framework. Initially, let us take this list users get a BA. Let us try to pass this API request and the storage object repository. I copied this URL and I'm going to get lunch to do and am doing right click on object repository and a click New. And here I am creating a folder. And in folder name, I am giving reckless as name and I click ok no at a crisp world is created in this folder.
I do right click and click New and I am selecting web service request and I am giving web service requests neighbors list all users and I am selecting request type as restful under leaving URL and description as blank and I am selecting OK. No other get responses created by default no it is loading. Yeah once it is created here We will see one object repository is created with the name we provided. Here you can select what method it is either it is GET, POST, put or delete, we are going to use get method. So I am giving it a get. And in URL, we need to provide the URL of that AP request. I provided that APA URL.
This is the API request URL I have taken for practice purpose. Okay. Once you run this, you will see there response output in the right side This is the response we got from this request. And it status is 200 Ctrl S to save it, and I saved it. No, we hope created object repository for get REST API request and we have also verified their response of it. In the next lecture, we will see how to create a JPA request and response for POST method