To use pre made templates, simply double click right here on the Instagram post templates, and the file will open up. If I hit Ctrl zero to move with just the touch to be bigger, you can see that we have a variety of these shapes, images, quotes and in different sizes. So all of this is already what I explained in these videos. So all of these can be editable, and if you want to use them like so, all of the images are inside of smart objects. And to change any of those, simply choose whichever ones you want. So if we click on this first one, you can see all of them are labeled from one to 10.
So if I use that one, open the folder you can see image placement and this icon indicates that this is the Smart Object. Now what that means is that this image is hidden inside of this placement. So to edit that placement, simply double click on this icon, and the placement will open up. Now you can drag and drop another image inside, hold Shift Alt and left click. If you want to increase that image, position it however you want Ctrl S to save it back or Command S if you're on a Mac. And you can see it's saved back to the original place of the image.
If I hit Ctrl, zero, jump back in. And I can show you for example, use another image let's say this one Shift Alt and left click, you can scale it up Ctrl or Command S and as you can see, it's saved back to the original place. So you can do this for any of these images. And in some cases, like for example, this one if I open it up, you can see we straight up have image if I Did you can see that it covers the entire place of our placeholder. And you can see every single one of them is called image placement. So you can know where you can place your image.
Now I can quickly hide this and go through some of these shapes. Now, as you can see, all of them have these lines, these frames, these shapes, circles, different quotes, and so on. So all of them are shape layers, like I showed you for the frame in our example. Now what that means is, for example, if I click on this one, open it up, you can see text, which is this text right here, middle shape, which is this shape right here. And if I type A on my keyboard, you can see that same as with our frame, you can see it's empty, and for the fill and it has a stroke of three points. You can change all this if you want to.
So for example, type in 15 press OK. You can see it thickens up if you want We'll leave it like that. And you can see we have corner shapes. So top corner, we have this triangle. So once again, if we press A, you can see it's the same story, it has stroke with no fill inside. And it's the same for any of these shapes. And for example for this plus shapes, if I click on this one, it's number three, open it up.
You can see inside of the folder called middle shapes, we have top and bottom. And if I click on any of them, you can see what is selected. So for the top, we have a left line, which is this line right here we have the plus we have the right line. So all of them are positioned like so and exactly the same for this bottom part. If I click on any of them type in a, you can see now we have fill color, but we don't have a stroke. So once again, if you want to change the fill color, same as with the stroke, click right here.
You can type in your hex code, or you can change it to whichever color you want when you press on Okay, it will update right here. So if we go edit step backward, you can use Command or Control Zed On your keyboard to, to do that, close all of them up. What we have right here is same for the image that we use right here, but it's inside of this triangle shape. So if I open it up just to show you double click on the image placement, you can see it's placed inside of the triangle. But you can see it's using some different methods to crop inside of that triangle. Now to do that, let me simply select another image, drag and drop it inside.
Once again, all of these images are taken from Position it like so. And what I have to do now is right click on that image and choose Create Clipping Mask. Now what that does, it clips same like the original image to the shape and if I hide these images by clicking on this eyeball icons, you can see that our original shape is the triangle. So I can click once again. And you can see you can even move this image by holding Shift, and you can place it inside of this triangle however you want.
And once again, when you're happy with how it looks like make sure it's in the middle like so when you're happy controller Command S, and it will save to the original place like so. Let me go back and show you some other shapes. So for example, these circles let's select those and you can see their title shapes. So we have a layer masks on them. Same thing like we did with our frame. So some portions are hidden some portions are visible, and you can see which portions are hidden if you want to change them for whatever reason, by holding CTRL and clicking inside of the mask.
And you can see for this inner circle, this portion is hidden For this outer circle, this portion is hidden for this exe, you can see, we chose that just to include these quotes and to highlight this line, this portion of the line in the middle, and you can hit Ctrl D to deselect everything. And same goes for all of these other shapes. Now, as you can see, all of them have images instead of this one. And that's with a purpose. So for example, if you have your corporate colors that you want to use, and sometimes you don't want to use images inside of your post, then you can, for example, use this template, you can do the same for any of them. So let's use this one for example.
You can, you can simply hide image placement by clicking right here on this eyeball icon and you are left with just a background color. Now to change that background color, simple click right here where it says BG which is short for background once again, double click right there and you can change That color to whichever color you want, or you can paste your hex code. So for example, I got one, three C, six F, F, nice blue, press enter, and you can see we change that background color. So you can do that for any of these that you want. But as I said, we purposely made this one without any image so you can see we don't have image placement. And once again, if you want to change the background color, simply double click criteria, it says BG, and you can once again enter your hex code to make it blue if you want to.
You can also change the colors of these texts. And you can believe it as it is standard and just simply change these quotes to your own quotes or whichever quotes you want to use. You can change the fonts, change the sizes, placement and everything in between. One final thing I want to show you is how you can save these templates to the Instagram Stories size. If you want to do that. So File, New 1080 for the wits.
1920. For the height, press OK. And let's choose this one. For example, drag, drop it like so. And now let's unlock this layer, double click type in VG control, click right here in the middle, click on the folder, position it in the middle like so, and click right here so it will snap to the bottom Ctrl D. And now as you can see, we have all of this extra space at the top, right click on row players. And now what you want to do with this image placement is simply move it to the top and this will distort the image because smart object is this size, not this size. So if we use the Move tool, click right here.
Move it right here to the top. You can see that it distorts the image size, but it's okay. Because we want to use a different technique and the one that I showed you simply true Drag your image inside, hold Shift Alt and left click in one of the corners, increase the size of the image and move it once again using the move tool, move it to the bottom edge of this image until it snaps as you can see right here, and then hold shift and left click in one of the corners to scale it down like so press Enter. And when you're happy with the results of for example, like this, now we have our Instagram story size. So same design as for the Instagram post, but we just changed the the size of this image to fit Instagram story. And you can do that with any of these templates.
Just make sure that with these frames, you follow the video that I showed you for the Instagram story and the size of this frame and you have to change in some of the masks using the brush tool. And you can follow that video to remind yourself how you can do that. As for saving these it goes the same. So file save as, and you can save it to the desktop or whichever folder you want. And I'll create this file size and this file sizes so that you can save these ones. And I'm going to show you that one in the next video.