Well, Nick, in the demonstrations here is some formula preparation. So obviously what I talked about before, did I just pick up the dog poo or handle money might need a little bit of hand gel, or wash my hands. So that was nice and clean. Now, and formula itself can only stay open for four weeks. So the internal bit the formula and a stable, so you definitely can't get any moisture in there. But certainly just right on the top of the team when you open it, so that you know that you'll have to use it within that month for a baby that is formula fades, and you would find that you've used that whole team in a week or week and a half.
And but for some babies that are just having infrequent top ups, you might find that you just need that date because a month goes by quite quickly. And so obviously you've washed your hands They tend to have a plastic lead. And I have a scoop on the inside. So the scoop measurements are all written on the back of the can as to how much water you need to have in the bottle for how many scoops of powder. So I've got 120 mils of water in here, which for this particular brand of formula is for scopes, so to get the scoop level, because the scoop is that perfect mixture of sugars, fats and nutrients for your baby and proteins, so you don't want to put too much powder in because you'll easily find your baby might get constipated, and it's just not the right mix of food.
So you can either tap or you can use a clean knife to even off that scoop. And so always have to keep count because you think oh how many was that? So that was two. That's right. And so for this particular demonstration bottle, I've put four. So then with my claim dry hand, I'm going to put that back in.
This knife doesn't have to be sterilized. It's just a claim knife. Put the lid in there so no moisture gets in. And you notice that the formula starts to sink to the bottom. So you might have cold water in here from the kettle, you might have half hot, and then half cold water to get that perfect temperature. So Sarah was in the bottom, some people swell, some people put the lead on and shake to mix the powder throughout the formula.
And then you'll find the bubbles will settle over about five minutes or so. But you could feed this to the baby straightaway. If you needed to heat this up. We generally recommend that you don't put it in the microwave and it's a bit like my electric my automatic car manual car. So if you need a bottle warmer because you're hitting bottles all the time and it makes your life easier, I can put it in this device, turn it on, come back a few minutes later it's warmed up, you might boil the kettle and get a jug or contain a bigger than your bottle. So this has got hot water in here and then place my bottle in.
And so that will warm up the bottle over a few minutes. And then obviously, you've got the lead on you give it a shake, and then you'd give your baby this bottle. It's some new fancy pants machines actually do everything by sterilized the water. They dispense the formula pre mixed, and it's heated, which is obviously quite an expensive outlay, but for some parents that might make six to eight bottles a day they find that that's money well spent. So completely up to you. But there's certainly lots of options around.
So again, whether it's formula or breast milk, we don't encourage it to be heated up in a microwave only with hot water or in a bottle warm Make sure you shake the milk and then test the temperature on your wrist to make sure that firstly the teats working and secondly, that the the milks not too warm because obviously the outside is going to heat up quicker than the inside. So just to talk about teats for a little bit, put my demonstration here. I've got three bottles with pre made formula. And so size 123 t, so newborn one month and three to six months. And so obviously a baby at three to six months wants its milk faster. So the flow is bigger, the hole is bigger.
Now it's just like your size 10 pair of pants that you might get at Suzanne's at country road and a big w they vary so you can't always say a size one teats flow is exactly like this. Because with each brand of bottles and each brand of teats, it's different, so you'll soon get the gist. What's gonna wait for your, your baby and you know normally impressed function, the flow of milk increases over that time. So if I take this upside down, this is size one. So you can see that the flow doesn't come at all or very fast. There we go.
So you actually have to get pressure and the milk doesn't always come as fast so that baby is going to take a lot longer to drink that volume. And that's because they suck isn't as strong size too. So tip it upside down. So you can see that with the flow is faster like milking a cow, but it certainly is faster than that size, one teeth and then a three. Look, it's already pouring out before I do anything. That's because the hole is bigger.
And so that baby is gonna drink a lot more volume with a lot more speed because the hole itself is bigger. So if you keep it baby a size three at all, it's gonna be coughing and sputtering because it's just coming too fast for them. And so you need to change your teats with the size of your baby and the need of your baby. If you find that babies working really hard and getting frustrated, because they can't get their milk quick enough, are they leaving lots of half empty bottles, then maybe that's something to consider that you need to go after sizing your teeth. And obviously, instead of poking a hole in that we want you to go up as per the instructions as the teeth itself so you know, don't tamper with them because that will potentially, you know, effect the baby's feeding. So, teats and they're all they actually I bought two tapes for $7.
So they're not very expensive. And so formula preparation, and you would tend to make the formula with cold boiled water unless you had your fancy pants machine. Or it could be boiled water, we discourage bottled water filtered tap water, because we want your baby to get the fluoride that's in the water. So and certainly not mineral water or, or like bubbly water because that has a really high amount of sodium in it, which is not very good for your baby at all. So just tap water, pop it in the kettle, turn the kettle on, tip it in here, whether it's hot and you let it cool down, or whether it's cold, and then you tip it in the bottles completely up to you. This is also a formula dispenser, because we don't encourage you to keep a full bottle of Formula made and then heat it up.
We'd rather you keep the water. So you keep the water that's been boiled in a sterilized bottle, and then add the formula as you need it. And then use that bottle within an hour of being heated. And it's that whole bacterial load that I talked about earlier. So if your body had if your baby had 20 mils and two hours later, like all that's left over, I'll give it to you now. Now, you know that you're going to give your baby potentially some milk that started to grow some bacteria in it, we certainly don't want you to heat it up again, because that's going to increase the growth.
The same with breast milk. If you've defrosted breast milk, you have to use it within 24 hours. If you've hated it that we want you to use it within an hour. If you freshly expressed it, you can leave it at room temperature for six to eight hours. So general rule of thumb, put your whatever volume your baby's having hundred and 20 mils of warming of water for scapes of formula, soil it shake it whatever you like, and then warm it up and feed it to your baby. And these are handy way to transport formula because you can just open it up and twist the top so that you can just tip it out without having formula going everywhere.
Which brings me to the world's biggest question. Which formula is the best? I get asked that almost every day. And I find that very frustrating for a mum that has chosen not to breastfeed or hasn't been able to breastfeed. And they want to give their baby their bit the best food. Now, in Australia, it's illegal for any formula under six months to advertise.
No formula companies can advertise at all. You see nothing on any Google searches, apart from forums, which is people's opinion, for any formula under six months. And that's because of the legislation that sits around it. So your best bet is to go to a supermarket or a chemist and look at the teens. And to have a look and saying, Well, you know, is my baby has trouble doing a poo or it's really Billy and then making your choices based on that. Because the, the proteins and the nutrients and the sugar loads and all of them are the same with every formula that there is on the market.
The government standard is fit. No formula company can change from that. It's why they People in China want to use our formula because our government standards are very high. So if your baby gets constipated, you're not going to pick an, you know, an AR formula, which is a reflex based formula, because that formula thickens with potato starch. So if you're going to add a thickened formula to your already constipated baby, then you're going to find it gets more constipated, which is terrible. And so it might mean that you get that any constipation formula.
Or if you've got a baby that's spilling over time, and you're really worried that it's not getting enough milk in, then you're going to maybe use one of the thicker formulas, and yes, the pose might get a little bit thicker, but that's kind of what you're going to expect. And try and have a look on the packaging to see what has thickened up that formula. It's normally a very natural product, though. So there's no formula that is the best whether it's got lacto bacillus that says Normal bacteria to try and help to normalize your baby's tummy, whether it's thicker, whether it's for constipation, and maybe your baby is starting to show signs of an intolerance. And so you're going to be on medical advice, looking for a different type of Formula base. So whether it's a cows, not a cow's milk basis, maybe maybe it's a soy base.
But I would take, I wouldn't take that advice from a friend, I would speak to your GP or your pediatrician. And because making choices away from their standard protein base, means that then you're depriving your baby of that standard protein base. And if you're doing it because you think that it might fix something else, you want to have a good understanding of why you're doing that. But your standard formulas, trust your instinct. There's not going to be any fancy pants marketing because it can't be but your toddler milks over six months. They do start to get quite well.
Marketed. And that's because of that legislation. Also try not to change really quickly. So really trying to stick with a formula for at least a week to see how things go. Because it's like, you know, all of a sudden you're eating Indian food every meal, you need to give it a chance to settle down. Because initially, it might be great, and then it might be terrible, and then it might normalize.
And that might take a few days of being consistent. So and follow the instructions on the tin don't vary from putting extra powder or less powder, because that's when you kind of it's like giving your baby only the skin of the apple and not the apple itself, because we know that you need all of the bits together. So you need to follow their instructions on how to make it and introducing cow's milk. And obviously, we've got the whole section on solids and what you know what information to have for you as a parent. In terms of do I sterilize from six months, or do I just hand wash things Well, when start to introduce some cow's milk or not, you know, you know that really well explained in the solid information. But obviously, from six months, you can start to introduce some cow's milk.
But we encourage breastfeeding or using a formula until 12 months, and then from them just moving to a normal balanced diet. It's a very confusing part have a lot of new parents, which is why I've produced these videos so that you can think about, what what do I need or what makes sense. And then kind of build on from that. Because stero doesn't exist. There isn't the best formula out there. There's not the best bottle, there's not the best of anything.
There's only a really happy content family. And that's what you need to focus on. If it's working for you, then it's working well. And if it's not try and think about which bit doesn't work and what you can change. But I hope that was helpful. Thank you.