God understands your need to grieve. Grief is our natural response to loss. However, grief is meant to be a detour, not a perpetual state of being. It is possible and preferable for you to experience healing and wholeness, so you can live out the remainder of your days in a state of renewed meaning and purpose. That objective is best achieved through a sequence of ideas, thoughts, revelations, and action steps that layer together to produce the internal changes needed to achieve a different outcome a different way of feeling and being as a result of successfully navigating through your grief season and reaching the other side.
Throughout the past ten years of providing grief transition coaching and workshops, I have recognized that the greater the degree of change to one’s entire daily routine, created by the loss of a loved one, the greater the tendency to get “stuck” in grief. This course was developed for those whose loss was profound enough that their entire day-to-day existence has been altered, making the loss harder to bear and healing harder to attain. It is intended for people who have grieved long enough to realize they should be moving forward, but have no idea how to do so who are desperate to feel differently but can’t imagine they ever will.
The focus of this course is the grief transition. The concept of transition is that one moves from one state of being, or one set of circumstances, to another. In this case, you will move from the state of being stuck in grief, paralyzed by grief, to the ability to create the positive change that you desperately need and crave.
Healing cannot happen until you have transitioned through your grief. You can’t go around it, sleep through it, deny it, or ignore it. You have to go through it. And you can’t get through to the other side of it until you get “unstuck”. This course will equip you to recognize the things you must change in order to get unstuck, such things as your perspectives on your situation; the thoughts and thought processes in which you engage every day; and the habits, feelings, and behavior patterns you have inadvertently developed since your loss. These things are not your fault, but they are holding you back.
This course is not a shortcut, a band-aid, or a panacea to your grief. Grief transition is hard work, but the mental and physical health issues created by unresolved grief not only makes the work necessary, but worth it. This course contains all the information, insights, and action steps that I teach in a 6-session workshop format. However, I have segmented the information into 15 sessions because you will be working on your own, without the benefit of a live facilitator. The advantage of this format is that you can move at your own pace, rather than needing to attend pre-scheduled sessions. Instead, with this material, you and God set the pace that is best for you. The first two introductory videos are of me, talking to you, person-to-person. In all the remaining videos, you will hear my voice while you view the exact presentation slides that I use in my workshops. I decided on this format because it aids retention if you can not only hear what I say but see what I'm saying. After each session, you will assess and record the emotions you felt during the session as a means of gauging your progress and movement forward.
Before you begin, you will download and assemble your 5-section participant’s guide, following the instructions given in Introduction Part 3.
The guide contains five sections:
Using the guide the way it’s intended is what transforms this standardized approach to navigating grief into your unique, personalized medium for achieving grief transition.
The goal is for you to become a successful survivor of loss even profound, life-altering loss. A successful survivor of loss emerges gracious and grateful vs. angry, bitter, and resentful so that you can live your best life.
Even though the purpose of this course is not to teach you a new skill, you will, nevertheless, acquire two very important mindsets.
What will you learn in this course?
Who should take this course?