For my first house, what I'm going to do is I'm going to paint this one here, you can paint anyone, I like this one because it's a solid color for the background. So I have my sketch down here and it'll take my number six brush. And I'm just going to wet the areas of my house here that are not the doors or the windows. So I'm just waiting here, leaving a little dry space right on the edge and I'll mix my color. Gonna take a little Prussian blue here on my palate with some water and a little bit purple in there just to mix it in. And I'll add as much purple as I want to change the color somewhat.
There we go. And then I'm going to take a couple of dollops of water here and make a very light. Very subtle color. So with that subtle color in my large brush, I'm just gonna go over there and wet the entire background. The area that I already wet once on my paper here, and that's just to create that really subtle color for the background of this house, the happy home here. I'll go around the doors and around the windows.
And once I have that shape, I'm going to switch to a smaller brush, and that's where I want to go in there and I want to just make the outline of the house right on the edge, the perimeter much darker. So I'll go in there with a smaller brush, my number one brush, pick up some of that dark pigment and I'm just going to drop it right at all the corners to start out with. The reason I want the center of my house to look bigger is I want to first take advantage of the watercolor nature. And then also I want to be able to paint layers of flowers and the buttons over the house and I don't want to have to compete with the background color. So if my darkest color is only on the edge, I still have a look of a blue house, but the pigment isn't competing for my additional layers.
I can go around all the windows and doors as well without deeper color. And I'll add as many layers as I want of this deeper color while my background is still wet, just to get that that nice contrast. It's almost like a little border as well. There are any areas where the pigment the darker pigment became too intense or too blended and I still want a little light area. I'll go in there with a drier brush and remove some of that water and pigment. Then I can go back in and just drop in a little more deep color.
Right on the edges since I know this is gonna dry lighter, just like that. I have that nice shape and I'll let this layer completely dry.