So how do I get my ideas, I usually start with one single idea or one single image. And I'll extrapolate on different things and bring my sort of background into it. I read a lot of scientific journals, I read a lot of news articles about the future of the world, because I'm, you know, I'm a geek. And that's how I sort of bring everything together. For example, on temple, I started with a single image, which was the city being flooded by the ocean. And the single idea which was, if humans were forced to reject their own organs and would have to replace them with cybernetic organs, what would happen, so the world building around that with the cyborgs, the action, the martial arts, all came after the fact, on hyperlight It started out with that idea that if mankind was to achieve faster than light space travel, what would happen to the future of humanity, and the whole premise of the story was based around that but then you know, you add that drama, you add that The human aspect and the action and the short King together that way.
So this is how I approach my ideas. And I usually use a website that is super useful. It's called Art station calm. It's a great website. It's full of artists who are working for gaming industries, film industry. And they publish work that they've done.
And it really encompasses, you know, huge range of themes and concepts. And usually I'll just save the concepts that I love either on my computer or using an Evernote, which is a great online tool that can snapshot everything that you like, on the using little widget on your browser. So you can sort of compile everything that you find on art station or on news articles, for example, and keep track of it right what inspires you about that post or about that image and save it for later. Evernote really became a huge aspect of my creative process every time I need to find other ideas to combine with that single image I found or To build on an idea, I will look through what I've saved over the last few years. And usually I'll find something that fits together and that can enhance that specific idea. So art station, Evernote are the tools I use to get inspired.
But that's something that I use, it doesn't necessarily work for everybody. Some people will get inspired by, you know, a piece of music, a novel, they read, an emotion they feel or they seen, so everything's very flexible in terms of inspiration. But I just wanted to share with you how I get mine. And inspiration is like a muscle you, you get to have more of it, the more you use it hyper lights and tempo, you know, took me a long time to get to the inception of the idea and then to expand on to that idea, but now I really I can find an idea and then move very quickly to a story aspect and to creating the universe much faster than they used to. So I recommend just you know, you got to keep doing it and you got to keep forcing yourself to always create