What is the lollipop series?
Most battles we face are in our minds, not in our environment. We are believers; in truth, the foundation of hope the driving force to wisdom in this world. Hope can remove the filters of darkness, the minutia that distracts us from our true destiny. The series select specific topics of indearing practical wisdom to implement in one's life daily. It creates a focus of skills, already known, some forgotten and just never thought of but either way, you'll have plenty to work with.
The Lollipop Moment:
The Lollipop Moment is an invisible leader's true calling. It's not something that goes viral on the global web. Still, a quiet revolution between a small gathering of friends, individuals, colleagues, and loved ones spreading influential ideas and thoughts galvanized into life-changing events.
This course is about a lollipop moment. We have ten quality lessons where you curiously and bravely embrace the unknown prepared but no anxious; gods faithful provisions in time. It's the foundation of those lollipop moments the hope that's already present.