Lab 42: - Perspectives & Translations. (SSAS)

MSBI Step by Step Training Lab 42: - Perspectives & Translations. (SSAS)
13 minutes
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In this lab will learn about the two main concepts & their importance.


Welcome to lab 42. In this lab 42 we will talk about two important topics, perspectives and translations. So this is a 15 minutes of video and in this 15 minutes of video we will talk about what is the perspective Why do we need them, we will also go and we will add in perspective and we will display the same in Excel. Then we will talk about translations we will talk about something called as LC ID code and then we will go and we will create an Hindi translation and view the same in the Excel and SSIS display. So, let us first start with perspectives. So, let us first try to understand the English meaning of perspective.

The English meaning of perspective is to think from our point of view. Now, how is this related to SSIS Now, when we talk about enterprise cubes, enterprise cubes can have lots of dimensions. They can have lots of fact tables, they can have a lot of measures. And enterprise cubes are accessed by different people in the organization with different roles. So you can have a CEO who's accessing it, you can have a manager who is accessing it, you can have an HR who has access accessing it, accounts department and so on. And every user out there wants to only see his data, his type of data, he does not want to see a lot of dimensions and a lot of measures which are unnecessary for him.

For example, the sales department only wants to look at that how much is the earnings done by a salesperson, the HR department only wants to look after you know the Employee Details and employ performance and so on. So, it is very important that if you have a complex skill You should be only showing the data which is in perspective to the user. So, now here is a cube. And in this cube you know we can see the sales as per the salesperson as per the product name as per the state's name as per time dimension as per vendor name and so on. So now think about it, you know, if this cube is seen by some end user in Excel, so let's say let me open this in Excel. So, if end users are connecting to this cube using Excel, they would be seeing so many unnecessary properties which do not belong to them.

For example, let us say that if you have a sales manager, a sales manager would be mostly interested in one Li, the salesperson wise reports, right? But you can see now the sales manager is seeing, you know, the sales you know, he's also seeing the country name. He's seeing the product name He's seeing a lot of other details, which are probably unnecessary to him and with this what happens is, you know, he cannot do his analysis properly, right. So, what we would like to do is for this salesperson, manager, the manager of the sales department, we would like to show him one only two things, probably we would like to show him the sales amount, right. So whatever is the sales amount and, and done by which sales person that's it, that's what his interest is right. So, let us go ahead and see that how we can do that.

So, for that in SSIS, we have something called as perspectives. So you can see that there is a tab here called as perspectives. So let us click on this. So you can see by default, you know, there is already an perspective added. And this perspective actually displays all the dimensions and all the facts which you actually process which you actually Use while you process the cube right? But at this moment I want to go and create an perspective which only has sales and the salesperson name right.

So, I will go and I will add a perspective. So, you can see this new perspective button out here and let us give this name of this perspective as sales department. So, now for this sales department, we would like to only go and show the fact sales. Fact sales, the fact sales count, but we are we are not interested to show him the vendor product we are not interested to show him the states we are not interested to show him the country. The time dimensions we can see I am removing all the other things and the only thing which I've kept for the sales department is the salesperson name. So you can see that this is the dim salesperson and the salesperson name and the seals right.

So I will go and save this and I will now go and process the cube Now, one of the points you know, which I want to stress out here is that perspective is not security perspective is all about simplification, it is about simplification, it is about saying that this complex cube has to be simplified as for the user role. So, please note that, you know if you are hiding some dimensions and and hiding some facts from a user it does not mean that it is security right. So, you can see that now I have processed the cube now, let us go to the browser out here and let us reconnect. Remember, every time you process the cube you need to go and reconnect. Now, you can go and see your perspective in action either by going to the Excel sheet, or you can also go and select the perspective from here So, you can see here, this small dots out here you can click on the small dots out here.

So, you can see there are two perspective at this moment one is the same department and one is the my, my data warehouse you know, which has all the things right so if I click on sales department you can see now I'm only seeing the measures I'm also seeing the KPIs I think I did not unselect the KPI but you can see I can see only the sales and I can see when the salesperson name that's it. So, perspective is nothing but it is simplification and also when the end user goes and connects Why are using Excel so let us save the end user now connects why using Excel. So he says that okay through Excel, where do you want to connect? Do you want to connect to this perspective or do you want to go and see the cube by using this perspective? So you can see when I clicked on this Excel out here, he is giving out for me that which perspective I want to use.

So I will go and use the sales department. So now what will happen is I will see when you do things I will see the sales amount and I will see the sales process. name so you can see now the simplified look for the sales department. So I can click on sales, and I can click on salesperson name. So perspective is nothing but showing the cube data the fact data the Dimension Data, as per the end users role as per the end users perspective. Now the next next topic, which we'll discuss in the same video is translations.

Translation is nothing but representing dimension names, fact names with a local language. For example, you can see that I've clicked on translation tab. So, so to do translation, you can click on translation tab here. For example, now, let us say you can see that this is your sales. And now let us say that this word sales I want to represent in a Hindi language sync Am I right so that when the end user goes and derives a report, he will not see sales but he will see the word coming in Let us say rather than saying your time, I would like to show him the Hindi word as some way right. So what I can do is I can go and I can add a translation here.

And as soon as I click on this translation it represents to me different sets of languages. Now, what really happens is when a client connects to the SSRS cube, so this client can be an Excel software or it can be an SSRS SSRS report, they pass in something called as an LCD ID. an LCD ID is nothing but it is a it is also called us in local code, which says that what is the language for example, if you say em hyphen us, then it means English us? If you say em hyphen UK, that means it is English, UK. So the first two letters is the language and the other letter is the country right? So for example, now if I click on Hindi here, right so it has Now applied the local code.

So, now I can go and say here that this sales we will say as fact, we can see as a fact Can I combine in Hindi means sales again here I will say come I I can say this is Danish, I can see this is some way, right. So, you can you can see that what I've done is I've added a translation of Hindi to the, to the facts out here right. Also, if I want right I can go ahead and I can also add it to the dimensions for example, I can go and I can add here in the time dimension, I can go to the time dimension, and I can add here as well, the translation So, I can go and add a translation here again, let me put it Hindi here. In the GH I write and I can see that this date is Right, yours is solid mahina.

So, you can add translations both at the level of the fact also at the level of the dimension. So you can see I can go here, and I can say that this study is related to the date, right? So they name this Sol is related to the year name. This mahina is related to the month name, right. So, you can see that I've added some translations here. So, let us go ahead and process the cube.

And let us see that how these translations actually look like. So, I'm going to go and process the cube here. Let's say yes. And let us click on process. So, there you can see the queue has been processed. So, now let us go ahead and so let's go to the browser here.

Now remember the client will actually connect using the local ID right? So if you want to go and test it using this browser window out here, what you can do is that you can reconnect and you can you can see that I've set this to Hindi here right. So now if you go and you see you can see now this country is seen as the word dish, right? If you go to the why I don't see the time dimension right okay. So you can see like, if I go to fact come up, right. So you can see over here, this is my right.

So let me go and delete everything. So you can see now I can see the dimension names and the dimension names. And the fact names are coming now in my local language, right? So come I, I can go and say okay, this is the dish right? Actually, I did not put the dimension for or country or okay you can see this time here you can see the time now is now with the name semi right so I can see it I can see put mahina right. So you can see now I'm seeing things here in my local language this is called as translation.

Now please note translations only translate the column names and the dimension names it does not translate the data. So for example, you can see this India is not seeing here as Bharath right so do not mistake that translation means it will change your SQL Server data into something. It will only change the names of the dimensions and the names of the facts. So, that brings us to the end of this video. So in this video we were trying to understand what exactly are translations and what exactly are his perspective. So we have covered two topics perspective and translate patients.

Thank you very much

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