Welcome to the Prerecorded Basketball I. Q. Tournament.
Have fun while you learn grades 4th-6th.
Players compete against kids around the world. Answers are entered into Digital Stat Sheets and scores are added to the Leaderboard for students to compare rankings.
Answers and explanations are given after players have submitted their final answers.
If you wish to play multiple games, obviously, don't view the answers until you're done competing. Once you view the answers, please stick with the score you have. You can always enter other tournaments. Right?
You can compete in this tournament up to 3 times or compete for 24 hours. Keep trying to rank higher on the Leaderboard. Once you answer the last question, check your ranking on the Leaderboard. Play again to rank higher and higher if you want. It's only going to increase your HoopSkills I. Q.
Download your Stat Sheet and start recording your score as you answer questions. After you have entered all of your answers, you can check the leaderboard and get the answers and explanations if you're done competing. Let's get it!
Challenge your friends to rank higher than you.
You should have the following tools that you'll need to play: