I've chosen this purplish, pinkish one. If you're a beginner, you might want to choose this one just because you can follow along with the steps I do. Okay, let's get started. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to bring a photo into procreate. When you first open procreate, you're going to be in your files area where all you'll see all of your work all of your files. Mine will look different from yours because obviously, we've created different things.
The first thing we want to do is we want to go to the right hand corner and click photo. It'll bring up your photo gallery, going to go to floral images, and I'm going to click on the picture I'm going to choose this picture to work on today. I'm going to copy this picture into a canvas. So one way that we can do that is we can take this three fingers and swipe down on the screen. Select Copy, gallery in the top left hand corner, I want to create a new canvas. So I'm going to open this I like a square Canvas because it fits on Instagram well, so I'm going to pick the square 2048 by 2048 pixels.
It's going to open my new canvas. Take two fingers, squeeze them together just a little bit to shrink the view of my canvas, three fingers again, swipe down, paste. Now I'm going to take the corner of this picture. I don't want to distort it. So if you pull on it the wrong way and it starts to distort two fingers and we'll undo what you previously Did, I'm going to grab this corner and stretch the picture out to the edge of the canvas. There'll be a bit of a margin, but we'll deal with that later.
Over here, we have layers. This first layer, we're going to tap the word layer. We're going to rename original. We're going to slide this layer to the left, duplicate. Go back to the first layer. We're going to lock it and we're going to uncheck on the right hand side.
This layer is now locked and cannot be edited or changed. We will always have as a reference to refer to this first layer. Let's rename it by tapping the word original rename. Or let's just put copy copy We're going to click the plus sign to create another layer. We're gonna name this layer one. Okay, that's all for lesson one.
Lesson two is designing the pedals.