How to Study for Al's Courses

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Al Explains the correct way to study for his Course(s) and to get the most out of them and the correct order !


Hello, this is Alan best from Al's electronic classroom. And I just wanted to put this up and mentioned a couple of things when you when you take my courses online, this is what I suggest every course that I do. Okay, I put the notes up in a PDF form. In other words, the slides that I use, like I save them in a PDF format that allows you to take notes. Alright, so I suggest when you when you take my course. Alright, you print out those notes.

All right, and watch my course the first time and as you watch it, take notes. what you feel is important what I say. All right? All right? By taking notes, it'll help you understand and it'll help you remember the concepts. All right, then go through the course the second time.

Now with each one of my courses, I either put problems up there in, in areas or after I explain a concept. I may put some problems up there, okay? When you go through the second time, stop the recording and do the problems even if you know what the answers are. Make sure you understand how those answers are arrived at. All right, do that the second time. After you do that, then do it the third time.

That way you should understand that way you, you'll be able to understand what I've done. And it'll allow you to remember the concepts, the formulas, the theories when you do it the third time. So that's what I suggest you do, and quite honestly, it works very well. Alright, so the first time, you're gonna, number one, you're going to print out the notes or the slides that I present in a PDF format. You're going to watch it the second time, you're going to actually stop and do the problems. And then the third time, you're going to go through it one more time, just to try to get it in what I call your long term memory.

Okay, as always, we're there to help you. Now, some of the courses I put up I don't like this advanced circuit course that I did. I didn't put problems up there. What I've done is I've put worksheets, worksheets with problems and solutions. So if I do that, I suggest you do the same thing. You You, you print out the slides in when I save it, it'll be a PDF format.

Take notes, right Stop, stop the presentation if you have to, to complete your notes, go through it again. Follow along with the problems that I do when I demonstrate the concepts. All right. And then thirdly, take the worksheet, go through the problems, and see if you can arrive at the answers. You should be able to do that. And again, if you have problems, you know where to get ahold of me, I'm always there to help you on on the platform that I put these courses on.

So that's how you do it. I'm sure you'll be successful. And learning processes are kind of tough, don't expect To look at some of these concepts, look at one of my courses the first time and understand it completely the first time. Okay? You may have to repeat that you may have to go on. You may have to do it two or three times.

And maybe some people have to do it four times. It's okay. It's okay. All right, learning. We try to make learning easy, but sometimes we need to put a little effort into it. With that said, this is Al and bass from Al's electronic classroom wishing you a wonderful, wonderful day and see in the court

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