It's Time for an Adventure!

Learn to Ink Your Story as an Adventure Narrative Writing in Video Games
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From 80 Days to True Legacy CYOAs, choose your own adventure stories, are just analog versions of video games. You know, what brand marketers call interactive media. Make your stories an adventure! Write Interactive


Greetings. My name is Dominic Devereaux, and I'm here to tell you that you can actually be the master of your own stories. You don't necessarily have to have a producer or ask a director for permission, you can create your own adventure that you can let the readers decide whether or not they like it in your version or not. It's called Inc. It's a scripting language in that you would use to create choose your own adventures. You remember the books that you use to flip the pages.

It's called an analog video game to most Yeah, marketing people for brands call it interactive media. It's the same thing, narrative writers. in game development I have learned pretty much are only seen as the cutscene writers. It's not like that. We're actually a very intricate part of the entire process. So what I figured out is for you game designers, RPG, world creators dungeon masters.

The only difference between you and the people making the movies is you don't code. And it's pretty much Markup Language is shorthand for programming language. It's not that bad. It really isn't. I'd like to show you how. So if you're interested, go ahead and click the link and tell me what you think.

And let's get started choosing our own adventure as writers

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