Okay, we're going to talk about which app or device should use. This is such a difficult question these days, because people are using so many different types of phones or devices. Or you may have different preferences in app. But I'll just narrowed down some of the choices for you just to make life a little bit easier in a complicated world. So we have the two main platforms. And that's Android, which uses the Google Play Store.
And we have Apple which uses the Apple Store on the iOS operating system. So depending on which operating system you use, or ecosystem, different apps may be available to you. So I'm going to be using a few different video editing apps just to serve both the Android and the Apple users. So we have apps like in shot we also have Adobe Premiere club And we're gonna try to dive into d gize editing app as well. And GoPros version of the mobile editing app called Quick. So each of these apps have similarities and differences.
Most of these apps have the ability to auto generate a very quick video just by selecting or importing the video clips available to you. Some of them will allow you to add things like text, or even get more fancy, like adding transitions or different music. Some of the apps have very good music options. Some of the apps will allow you to use Cloud drive storage like Google Drive or Dropbox or some of the apps like in shot, they require you to actually put in the memory card into device. So depending on your situation, one app may work better for you than the other and it also depends What's your goal. with mobile video editing is a to maybe just create a quick video.
And then if you're using something like Adobe clip or Adobe Premiere rush or even iMovie for your mobile device, you can push that video project to the full blown version of that app. So an example is Adobe clip, which is a pretty scaled down version. It's pretty simple, but you can at least put down the clips in the project, you can trim them, and then you can push it over to what they call the Adobe Creative Cloud. So you can access it from Adobe Premiere, if you're using that. And then you can do more things with that base project. So that's a nice option to have.
Or maybe you just want to create a quick video for Instagram or Facebook. In that case, something like in shot or Adobe Premiere clip is just fine. So it just depends on what your goal is, but let's start off with Adobe clip and we'll actually go on to the screen of the app and show you how we go through a quick video edit.