20 years ago when I could first write the CSS with HTML documents, we had a limited set of selector choices like- elements, classes, ids, and descendant selectors. But now we have dozens and dozens of powerful CSS selectors we can use in your CSS to write more powerful, optimized CSS selectors to maintain our stylesheet.
So in this course discover how to effectively leverage the power of selectors to select the elements you want to style without adding classes, changing HTML, or getting overly specific with your selectors. In this course, I will demonstrate how to pinpoint specific parts (and groups of parts) in an HTML document using the powerful declarative syntax of CSS selectors. I will cover combinator selectors, attribute selectors, pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors, and the universal selector.
But that’s not all, there is a bonus video for you where I’ll show you how you can use CSS selectors with javascript to add dynamic behavior in your HTML document with real-world examples.
What will you learn in this course?
Who should take this course?
So if you’re ready to be one of the top 10% fronted developers then roll-up your sleeves, fire-up your code editor, and let’s get started with CSS selectors- the complete guide.
You should have a basic knowledge of HTML, the code editor, and a modern browser.