Advance your data visualization and Online web mapping skill. Web mapping is everywhere. It is an interactive visualization of geographic information. There are many online codeless tools, like CartoBuilder, Mapbox Studio, ArcGIS online to create web maps. This course will help you create simple but powerful web maps by Google My Maps, Google data studio, and Microsoft power maps.
Google My Maps is the modern way to visualize geographic data. With My Maps, you can quickly and easily build a map visualization to keep people informed. You will create powerful data visualization with these creative tools. This course will show you how to create web maps from start to finish in each real-world project. You will explore how to import multiple datasets and overlay and merge them together. You'll also learn some useful tips and tricks to help you optimize your map.
We will create three real-world projects:
What will you learn in this course?
This course is code-less and beginner-friendly. I will show every step to create the map visualization from start to finish. The skill will help to create free web maps in no time.