Watercolor Succulent Mini-Book is a beginner level painting class where we will create a small accordion book full of our paintings. We will use basic watercolor supplies (paint, paper, brushes) plus a waterproof permanent marker and gel pen to enhance our images.
Class downloads include a class supply list and a class template to assist in creating your sketches. The class template includes a variety of succulent sketches that you can include in your book. Select the ones you like and trace them onto your pages.
Then, begin painting them images using the techniques demonstrated in class including wet on dry, watercolor glazing, and building up layers of pigment. Create your own Mini Succulent Book by cutting your paper to size, folding it as shown, and sketching your outline using the template. Then, have fun selecting your pigments: background, cactus colors, and pottery.
You should have watercolor, paper, pigments, brushes, and a waterproof permanent marker.