This course will teaches you the printed circuit board designs, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in PCB printed circuit board design and fabrication.
You will get the chance to learn:
- PCB design and fabrication using fritzing software
- PCB design: Master designing printed circuit board using proteus software
- PCB design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium designer
- 3D simulation: Microcontrollers, electronics, mechanism, PCB using yenka software
- PCB design and fabrication for everyone
Learn printed circuit board (PCB) design from scratch with zero experience in electronics, no effort, and a free software
This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your own printed circuit board (PCB) with zero experience in electronics and circuit design, yes, you did hear me, no experience is required at all.
Welcome to this course.
This course will help you to gain PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with free software being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world, so you won't have to pay anything for the software and it has tons of library for almost every component in the electronics industry.
Printed circuit board design is very interesting for any electronics geek, microcontroller programmers anyone wishing to build his own PCB by themselves. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners.
What will you learn in this course?
- Get started PCB design using Altium designer
- Download and install Altium designer
- Create your own component library so that you can create your own components that you don't have a library for which will help you freelance online since many jobs ask to create component libraries
- Create the Arduino nano schematic in Altium designer
- Wiring components in the schematic view
- Transfer schematic into PCB
- Place components on board
- Create a multilayer board
- Route layers and place components on board
- Autoroute to save time
- Eliminate design errors
- Create Gerber files for your manufacturer
Who should take this course?
- Learn basic to intermediate PCB design
- Have a tech Kickstarter idea, that you want to get off the ground
- Want to create your own custom Arduino printed circuit board (PCB)
- Want to get a job in PCB design
- Want to learn an Altium designer in the shortest possible time.
- Want to get started creating cool gadgets
- Circuit designers
- PCB designers
- Circuits creators