All of you to get 100 or one in mind subject. Now, when you repeat this continuously, what will happen? What will happen? Then we develop special love for your subject, right? And there's no reason why they create trouble in the classroom. Because the reason of creating trouble in the classroom is only one.
They don't like your presence in the class. They get you out of one or two incidences or the other. Right? So we need to look forward to first of all, making everybody comfortable in the class as a priority. Think of up there as a student, right? Sitting in your own class and the teacher will look forward to that.
Right. Okay. So first thing is every day is a major difference day when you are a teacher never take that for granted. Me conditions are gonna make a difference right? I want to I want to make a difference. Right?
So that has to be a priority as a teacher, you have to make every day as a maker differently. They have to make all the big children feeling great about themselves. And not only that, for me today, there will not be any background. Right. So we look forward to that aspect. Also, that learning to learn should be a hobby rather than occasional documents for both the child and the teacher.
Right, you love so many things through your WhatsApp every day, every moment you get something on the right, but you just read it go good covered, but please put it for some time in your mindset in your head. And you only go in your head talk when you share it with somebody verbally sharing with somebody what happens? You really put it in your mind because if I share something in my mind right so that is the aspect and above all there has to be a Learning Center