So now that we've got our photos looking Walter, he said, the next thing that we want to do is we want to export our photos and we want to export them for Instagram. Now there is a little trick to getting really sharp photos for Instagram, from Lightroom. Instagram has its own compression, and it uses this compression on every single image that you upload. Instagram is always going to compress your images no matter what we do, but using these settings is going to give us the sharpest looking images possible because they need the least amount of compression from Instagram. So the first thing to note is don't ever crop in Instagram because then Instagram is going to compress that image again resulting in even further quality loss. So if your photo is a vertical photo, the maximum size that you can use is 1080 pixels wide, and 1350 pixels in height.
If you're doing a square, it's going to be 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels. So what we'll do, we'll do this on our photo, we'll take it on our middle photo, Ken will crop We're going to use an eight by 10 ratio for this face. So for the sake of this tutorial, in this course, we're just going to take this portrait style export setting. So once we've cropped it to the eight by 10 ratio, we're done and we've got our photo head really cool. So now here's where we start to do our own compression. So we're going to go to File, Export.
We're going to scroll down to image sizing. I'm going to make sure we clicked Resize to Fit and we're going to choose the short edge supposedly already selected, but you would choose the short edge and then we're going to enter 1080 and make sure that we've got pixels selected and 72 PPI is fine, that's just pixels per inch. 72 is totally fine here. Then under output sharpening, which is going to make sure we've got sharp and fall screen and set the amount too high. Then we can just go ahead and we can just export that to what, whichever folder we like. And that's just going to ensure that Instagram isn't going to compress that image and we're going to have the highest quality looking images on Instagram.
Ready for upload