Another interaction you can have with people is to promisor something. Format format to provide and you can say from iced sip homie from ized say Poor me Don't worry, I will do it. No it was like your paper should have never should I say I promise you that it will be done just call me cuz that's cool man cuz I Swati You can count on me We'll put a contest will prove a contest you're more be without fear. I will do it this way years some calm. I provide you to do all of what I can show the poor man the first two members call me the first tool and proceed without mistake, soft foot. Oh, don't worry.
Thank you. So let's recap the promisor tsukkomi from ice Nobu. Thank you. So don't worry, I will do it. Shuffle pomade consists of it. I promise you that it will be done with a contest.
You're more You can count on me. So I just don't count you should be without here. I will do it. Shuffle pony the face to mercy. I promise you to do all of what I can without mistake. Don't do it.
Don't worry