1 00:00:02,129 --> 00:00:04,439 Unknown: Hello, it's Sue Fletcher here the astrologer. 2 00:00:04,619 --> 00:00:08,489 Thank you for watching class one astrology for beginners made 3 00:00:08,519 --> 00:00:11,729 easy. I hope you've enjoyed it. I hope you filled out your 4 00:00:11,729 --> 00:00:17,249 handouts too. And I don't expect you to learn all about the sun 5 00:00:17,249 --> 00:00:21,359 signs in just, you know the few videos that you've looked at, we 6 00:00:21,359 --> 00:00:26,339 will cover becoming more of the Sun scientists we go because 7 00:00:26,339 --> 00:00:30,419 everything always refers back to the meaning of the sun sign. But 8 00:00:30,419 --> 00:00:33,749 don't feel that you've got to learn everything about it all at 9 00:00:33,749 --> 00:00:39,089 once.
As you begin to do charts for people, you can refer back 10 00:00:39,119 --> 00:00:43,259 to books, and the book that I recommend for you on this course 11 00:00:43,289 --> 00:00:48,209 or the handouts. And and as you do that, you will begin to learn 12 00:00:48,359 --> 00:00:53,099 more, you know in depth about the sun signs. If you've enjoyed 13 00:00:53,099 --> 00:00:57,599 doing class one, you might like to take class two which actually 14 00:00:57,599 --> 00:01:02,549 is on learning and understanding Meaning of the planets and the 15 00:01:02,579 --> 00:01:08,339 connection with the planet to the sun signs. So this is again 16 00:01:08,339 --> 00:01:11,879 you know, I don't expect you to learn all in one go. You know, I 17 00:01:11,879 --> 00:01:14,969 want you to enjoy it and take in what you can you will have the 18 00:01:14,969 --> 00:01:18,839 handouts as I say we'll be able to fill something out at the end 19 00:01:18,839 --> 00:01:24,929 of class.
So, if you like to take class too, I will see you 20 00:01:25,649 --> 00:01:27,869 in the videos. Bye for now.