Create a Budget that Works will help you finally create a personal/household budget that works for your unique situation. This program methodically and patiently guides you through a five-step process, using transformative tools and concepts, for finally developing a customized spending plan that incorporates all those various financial puzzle pieces that make up your personal financial world.
This Create a Budget that Works course will teach you how to create and maintain a budget by explaining and showing how all the different concepts and financial pieces work together. The relaxed, kitchen-table conversational style offers a slower pace, compared to the fast-paced, "drinking from the fire hose" approach. This style is deliberate, recognizing the anxiety that many experiences when dealing with finances. Appealing to both the mental and emotional sides of the learner allows for solid anchoring of the material. Don't let this slow approach fool you. In the end, the learning is subtle, deeper, and powerfully affecting you for a lifetime.
Based on the best-selling workbook, The Budget Kit: Common Cents Money Management Workbook 6th Ed. (Kaplan Publishers), which has been selling nationally in bookstores for over thirty years and continually on Amazon's Best-seller lists, the concepts and tools are flexible and adaptable for a lifetime of financial changes. You can incorporate the concepts, as well as the tools, as a stand-alone budgeting system or apply them to other software, apps, or online programs you’re currently using.
Even though you may have used a variety of budgeting tools over the years, if you are like many others, you ultimately may have ended up feeling there was still something missing. This course will finally provide the missing pieces.
After going through this create a budget that works course, and learning how to create a comprehensive, overall personal budget, how to outline and work with a realistic monthly budget/spending plan, how to identify all those missing pieces that show up as surprise emergencies, and finally discovering all those spending leaks, you will finally understand why those other budgeting attempts just weren't working.
You will receive many valuable materials including "The Budget Kit 6th Ed." eBook, PDFs of the dozens of worksheets found in the workbook, along with an Excel package of primary worksheets.
View these materials as a guideline for core concepts and basic spending categories. Spending categories always change over the years, but the core concepts remain timeless.
With over four hours of video by the author sharing her decades of experience with you, and specific homework using the course materials, rest assured, this time you will have a lifelong system and understanding that works.
These concepts can be applied to any of your current financial tools and will bring you the mastery, confidence, and financial peace of mind you have been seeking.
What will you learn in this course?
Who should take this course?
You should have installed Adobe Reader, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel on your PC/Mac.