The first thing to know and learn about Egyptian Numerology is the importance of raising your energy field. It took me a year of dedicated practice to prepare myself to receive and implement this sacred art and science.
Meditations, energy shielding, cord cutting, and listening to Spirit through signs, symbols, and synchronicity are an ongoing integral part of my daily spiritual practice.
This introduction Presentation is a reflection of where it all began with me. It is called "When the Student is Ready".
Join me as I take you through the basics of laying the foundation for opening up to your superpowers and becoming your Inner Hero with Egyptian Numerology.
The first 3 courses following this Introduction Presentation are prerequisites to discovering your true personal magic and becoming the alchemist leading to your Ascension.
Each individual holds specific numeric vibrations that are designed to support your Life Path Journey. If and when you summon these forces within you, perceive their true powers, and learn to activate them in your reality, the Universe recognizes your intentions. It begins to attract every person, place, event, and circumstance to resonate with your energy.
Egyptian Numerology is a fascinating divining tool that has resurfaced from Ancient Wisdom to free you from fear and doubt by exposing your genuine, authentic, and natural powers.
"When the Student is Ready. The Path, Teacher, and opportunity appear."
The only requirement is to be open, ready, and willing to learn.