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This installment of the course focuses on perception. Basically, the science of understanding how we make sense out of the world. Now, why is that important to you if you're in business, because basically, this tells us how or if your customers pay attention to you. And as it turns out, probably the biggest challenge certainly one of the biggest challenges that marketers face today, believe it or not, is simply getting the attention of customers who are bombarded constantly, day and night by so many other competing demands for their attention. Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on there. And if you've ever walked through Time Square, you can totally understand that bombardment of stimuli, that bombardment of sights and sounds and smells, things competing for your attention.

Now, we don't always walk through Time Square every day necessarily. But in your daily life, you're actually in similar situations, right, where you're being bombarded by all of these things. And so the question is, if you're a marketer, how can you break through that clutter? How can you make sure that your message which is only one of literally thousands of messages, is noticed by your customers, and that they are able to make sense of it in the way that you intended? So that's what this module on perception is all about. And I think you're going to find it very interesting.

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