Allow the universe to improve your life.
The cosmos or surrounding physical universe is, in fact, the majority mechanical and energetic driver for all systemic events which occur on planet earth.
Many believe the cosmos is just a nice nighttime light show with no practical use. Well. How about the most vital and alive produce from your farm or garden?
Paying attention: Accepting, studying, and finally utilizing the cosmic rhythms, already present whether we like it or not, is to court synchronization with the universe, to finally join the bountiful cosmic dance.
A note for organic farmers:
This course is intended to be taken before the farming courses, in a logical triad of cosmos education, earth-care, and strategic organic food production.
Biodynamically managed gardens and farms are among the most robust on the planet, though we still lack the tech needed to quantify what that means to the physical health and longevity emerging from a beneficially energetic partnership with ethereal source energy and the same simple easy to learn approach applies directly to all living systems, such as humans, you and I.
What will you learn in this course?
In actual fact, the relatively new science or body of observed phenomena that we now know as biodynamics is rooted in the most ancient of our sciences, and to this day carried out in India and other earth-based enclaves worldwide
Our first cosmic diviners became "scientists" by routinely observing the night sky and were the humans who first noticed how certain cosmic movements and events brought changes onto the earth with her soil, growing plants, and with humans themselves. This course comes to you from:
So this is something of a world travel doc as well. Not for info-tourists, you will be fairly tested for knowing the basic effects of Cosmos upon living beings. Energy practitioners, career farmers, backyard hobbyists, community leaders, urban or rural or just folks wanting a bit of simple sensibility will find this informative, creatively useful, and essential.
Vital: At any time, if something does not make sense to you, or you have a particular situation to ask about, use this course as an info-forum. Ask any and every question in course discussions, so others may benefit, in addition to yourself. In this indirect way, you are thus helping to guide and direct the course.