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Hi, and welcome to this severy course. My name is john Russell. I'm going to be your instructor throughout the course. I've got about 17 years experience as an engineer. I started out when I was 16, and I trained as a marine engineer on large container ships. After that, I worked in the superyacht industry.

And then later on in my career, I visited power stations and mines, chocolate factories, biodiesel plants, glass factories, and pretty much every other type of factory you can imagine. And slowly over time, I managed to build up my engineering experience. I'm going to try and roll some of that experience into this course. I'm not just going to teach you about engines and components, etc. I'm also going to tell you a few stories and pass on some of my own experiences so that you can learn from case studies. And a lot of time you can learn from when things went wrong for me, which of the monist seemed to happen more than I will would have liked.

How am I going to teach you? Well, I'm going to teach you by using interactive 3d models. Interactive 3d models allow me to rotate the engine like so. So you mean zoom out pan around. And because I'm using a separate interface, I can also show you a notations. And that will allow me to elaborate a little bit more on each of the components.

For example, if I click on some of these dots, you can see is the lubrication oil filter, or rocker on cover, or start to make a solenoid, etc. So there's a lot of information on this engine. I will say at this point, that if you go to the bonus section of this course, there are links to the interactive 3d models in that section. You can watch the videos, but if you interact with the 3d models, you really are going to cement everything that you're learning in this course. In addition to that, there are also bonus video lectures. And if you want to purchase more several courses, then there are some discount course coupons there as well.

I definitely recommend checking out the 3d models, because even the quiz feature such as that on display now click on the flywheel will help you learn the names of the components. I'm going to click here. Unfortunately, I was correct. That would have been very embarrassing if I got that answer wrong. But we can see we get a little bit of information. Sometimes there'll be a picture here.

Sometimes it'll be a hyperlink to another 3d model. And we can see our score on the right side of the screen. So there are quizzes inbuilt into the course providing that you access to 3d models, in addition to using 3d models like that show now we're also going to use 3d animations. So as you can see, now we're looking at a 3d animation but the big difference here The animation is fully interactive. So we can spin around, we can look at it from all angles. And we're really going to get a very deep understanding of what exactly is happening inside the engine and why it's occurring.

So if you get a chance, check out the 3d models, check out the animations interact with them. If you've got a virtual reality headset, then you can also load the models in virtual reality. And I'm pretty sure that if you do that, and you watch these video lessons, you're going to learn a lot in a short amount of time. But enough about that, let's get on with this very exciting course. The internal combustion engine is one of the most significant machines ever invented by mankind. It is completely revolutionized our world.

If you're looking at a car, a van, a train a ship, most likely it's going to be moved around by a company Engine. The main design of combustion engine has not changed significantly in the past 100 years. The combustion engines we're using today are only slightly more efficient than those of 100 years ago. But why is that? What components are involved in order for us to make the combustion engine work? Why do we use different fuels like petrol or gasoline and diesel?

And why do we use different stroke engines like the two stroke and four stroke? Well, let's start going through the course. And we're going to get some answers these interesting questions

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