Looking for an inspiring way to prompt your journaling?
In this class, I will take you to step by step to making and multiplying a gratitude zine for you and your loved ones. You will learn how to fold a sheet of paper into a little booklet. You will also learn to design a beautiful color scheme with the help of magazine cut-outs and plain colored paper. And you will learn to balance the design of the layout with shapes and lines. I will show you a hack to use a hand-lettered font to get to great results. Then you can combine these skills into a zine of your own, that can be easily photocopied to hand out to friends and family or even to potential fans.
Create your own gratitude journal zine from one sheet of paper.
Fold a standard paper (A4 or US letter) into a zine and decorate the front, back, and the spreads with collaged shapes in a beautifully selected color scheme.
If you want to, photocopy the original and fold the copies too. You will have a stack of lovely zines to give to your loved ones and spread the gratitude habit around you. Keep one for your own journaling as well.