Radio remote communication with the Raspberry Pi four. In this video we will cover the following topics configure the Raspberry Pi. So to enable SSH and VNC for remote communication, implement an established remote communication, remote file transfer, learn to implement remote communication via the internet static IP address. In the last video, we showed you how to get the operating system up and running. But let's say your projects nature is such that it can't always be connected to a display keyboard and a mouse then it will be very inconvenient to modify the project. Moreover, wouldn't it be easier if we could remotely access the Raspbian desktop environment and interact with it from your laptop or PC?
First we need to configure the Raspberry Pi for remote community Then we need to install a VNC client application on the Raspberry Pi. In computing, virtual network computing is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the remote frame buffer protocol to control another computer remotely. First, let's boot up the desktop setup we showcased in the last video. When you reach the desktop screen, click on the terminal icon on the top left of the taskbar. Every time you boot up your Raspberry Pi, it's highly recommended to check for updates and upgrade the packages to the latest version. I'm now just increasing the font size for better legibility.
Now type in sudo apt get update and press enter. We will learn all about Linux commands later in this course. In a nutshell, apt update command will download the package list From the repositories and updates them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. It will do this for all repositories. The abbreviation of abt is advanced packaging tool. Now the audience knows what new packages needed to be installed or updated.
So shall we install these new packages, it's really simple. Just type in sudo apt get upgrade, which will fetch new versions of packages and updates. In both instructions will use sudo as a prefix. We need to perform both these instructions with super user capabilities. Many actions that require modifying system files, or installing applications require extra permissions to go through, which is given by the command sudo as I'm on the latest updated version of Raspbian No new updates were necessary as shown here. The next step is to configure the Raspberry Pi to enable remote communication.
Type sudo raspy config and press enter. Raspberry Pi software configuration tool will pop up. Use your keyboard arrow keys to highlight an enter the interfacing option. Now enable both SSH and VNC. SSH, also known as Secure Shell is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. It doesn't allow for high data throughput does mainly used for remote command line interface.
We will concentrate on VNC which allows for graphical remote access to your pie. Now on the initial menu, select Finish Next, we will need a VNC client software on the Raspberry Pi four. Thankfully, the Buster always comes preloaded with a VNC client called real VNC. To start the VNC server, just open a terminal and type VNC server. Now restart your Raspberry Pi four by typing sudo reboot now on the terminal. This is to check whether the VNC server is started automatically on both.
If you see a VNC icon on the left of the Bluetooth icon, it means you are successful. Now, let's click this icon and keep the IP address shown here in mind. Now on your laptop, we will install the VNC viewer application through which we will be able to access the goi of the Raspbian Buster OS VNC viewer is supported by all major OSS We will download and install the windows variant. After installation, make sure that you are connected to the same network as the Raspberry Pi, then open VNC viewer and type in the IP address got earlier. Now an authentication window will pop up where you have to type your PI's username and password. As we did not change the default credentials, just type username as pi and password as raspberry.
Check remember password and click OK. Now, you can see the same screen mirrored on to your laptop. And in fact, you can use your laptop touchpad or mouse and keyboard to control the PI remotely. You can now remove the keyboard and mouse from the PI and interact with the Pi. Using the laptops keyboard and touchpad, you can see that there is a slight delay, which is dependent on the quality of your wife or connection. Now you can safely remote the monitor also and work with the PI remotely. You can send and receive files from your Raspberry Pi and PC using the VNC viewer.
This is really useful to transfer media codes and backup files. First, let us learn how to send a file to the PI. Move your mouse to the top edge of the VNC viewer preview and a menu bar will pop out in that click the transfer file icon. Now click send files and select the file from your PC. It will be transferred to the Buster tester by default. Now to send a file from the pi to the PC.
First, right click on the VNC icon and then select File Transfer Now follow the same procedure followed earlier. Only this time the file will be transferred to the PCs desktop. Note that in both cases, the destination folder can be changed. There will be times when you would want to access your pie when you're not around your house. Till now, we have looked at remote connections within the same network. But in some situations, you would need to access your pie from anywhere in the world.
Fortunately, real VNC has an inbuilt feature. To establish a secure cloud connection with your PI way or the internet. You have to create a real VNC Raspberry Pi account on their website and then log into the same account in the VNC Connect application and follow the on screen instructions to finish setting up you're now able to log into your Raspberry Pi's graphical desktop from anywhere. As long as your Raspberry Pi has internet access. You can even access your PI from your smartphone. This means you can take control of any security software, check on the status of any projects you set up, or modify your project.
If you're still stuck with the setup, please check out the link in the resources section. If your project product or application does not need a UI to interact with or work on, you can use a simpler method to work with the PI using a command line interface remotely. SSH, also known as Secure Shell is an encrypted technology that enables you to manage devices from a command line over the network. SSH also allows you to share files across network just like VNC SSH can be very useful for work With the lightweight distros of Raspbian, which doesn't have a G UI. Moreover, it can be a savior when something crashes, or when you network is so slow for VNC. Please check out the step by step guide in the resources section to use SSH for your pipe.
When working with both VNC and SSH, you will need to know the exact IP address of your Raspberry Pi to establish remote communication. The IP address of the pi is set by the router and in some cases, the IP address can change. This is called as a dynamic IP. This will be very inconvenient, as you'd have to scan your network every time the PI's booted up. To avoid this, you can set a static IP address for your Raspberry Pi. I have provided a step by step guide in the resources section.
To set up a static IP address. after implementing this, make sure that your PI's IP address has been updated to the new static IP address by entering if config in the terminal summary. In this video, we have covered the following topics. Configure the Raspberry Pi four to enable SSH and VNC for remote communication, implement an established remote communication, remote file transfer, learn to implement remote communication via the internet static IP address. In the next video, we will look at an overview of the features of the Raspbian Buster operating system