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Hi, and welcome. In this class, you're going to learn how you can learn any skill quickly and effectively. After taking this class, you're going to pick one skill and learn it in record time. What is that one skill that would make you more confident and capable, as well as make you progress on your personal and work related project? Can you name a few things that sparked your curiosity? Maybe it's photography, video editing, guitar, accounting, anything and remember that everything is trainable.

So you can learn anything that you set your mind to. And as call your Port Said, if you can't learn, you can't thrive. So I'm sure you remember the frustration you felt when you've tried to learn new skills in the past, it felt so difficult to make any progress. And I bet you gave up on learning some of those skills because you didn't have the right resources or the right strategy to progress every day. So you ended up and motivated and stuck in That's going to continue to happen throughout your life if you don't have the right strategies, and I felt the same way too. So I gave up learning Spanish two times, Japanese piano, even chess because I didn't have the right strategies nor the right way to learn those skills.

I learned how to edit videos. But what took me like years to learn, it could take me only a few months or even a few weeks, if I had the right method. After years of struggling, I decided to do something about it. So I searched for blog posts, online courses, a lot of books to learn how I could learn any skill in a short period of time. And I learned those techniques with people who are very good in what they do. After trying a lot of practices myself, I finally found what really works in order to learn a new skill very quickly.

I also came to the conclusion that learning a new skill can be very challenging. But as well as enjoyable and something very excited that you will look forward to and I really want you to feel the same way about learning a new skill today. So don't postpone decisions that will have a great impact in your life. And learning a new skill might be one of those decisions that will make you progress in any project that you've been working on or even in your career can meet yourself to learn something new and take this class now and find what you can do today to learn a new skill quicker. Don't waste your valuable time trying to learn a new skill by cramming or doing things that are not effective. see you inside

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