Mark Making: Abstract Art Prompt #2 is the second course in the mark-making series. We will continue to explore the role of various marks in the process of creating abstract pieces. In today’s course, we will use the “veil technique” to practice creating a dappled layer to unify the layers and elements in our artwork.
The course demonstration uses watercolor paints, but acrylics, collage, markers, or combined media can be used with the concepts shown. Class downloads include a class supply list, an abstract art prompt #2 and mark making review sheet (2 pages), and thumbnail sketches (2 pages). Refer to the first course in the series, Mark Making: Abstract Art Prompt #1.
For your course project, choose your media, gather your supplies, and start your abstract piece. Follow the three-step prompt, as well as the three-color restriction to create your piece. Select the shapes, marks, and patterns to create your artwork.
You should have watercolor, acrylics, markers, etc to complete this course.