Lightroom Shortcuts

8 minutes
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In this video, we're gonna cover some of the shortcuts and simple tools we use before we actually get to the editing, it is very important to understand these. That way it creates your editing process that much easier. So first thing I want to show you guys here in the develop module, we have all of our editing tools. Now it I like to shoot use this, when they're compressed, it creates a much neater workflow. And that way you don't get overwhelmed with all the settings from all of these. So in order to do this, all you have to do is right click, and you're going to check solo mode.

So if I uncheck it, you'll see that all of this will be open the whole entire time. This creative A lot of distractions and it creates your workflow a bit messy. So here I will click on solo mode. And as you can see, now my menu is nice and neat. So by every time I click on one of these, the other one closes, and this one opens. So that's our first step into creating an organized workflow.

The next thing I want to cover is our local adjustments. So all of these up here are local adjustments. So what does that mean? That means that these can be placed on one of your images, and they're only going to edit locally. So anywhere in the photo, you use this adjustment. That's the only place that this will edit.

It's a local adjustment and let me raise that Now, by doing these, you have a lot more control over your entire image. So this is a graduated filter. This is a Radial Filter. And this is an adjustment brush. They are all local adjustments, and they can all be used multiple times across an image. Now, let me close out of that.

Now all the rest of these there are global adjustments. What does that mean? Well, let me open my basic panel. So global adjustment means that this is going to adjust everything your image globally, so everything in the image is going to be adjusted. So let me reset that. And same with the, the all of this sliders, it simply means that every time you touch them, they're going to be a global adjustment and adjustment throughout.

The entire image every pixel of the image, let me put that back that was at 32. So we need to understand those very, very well. So global adjustments are all of these local adjustments are appear. Next thing I want to talk about that we won't be using in this tutorial is our tone curve. Now this is basically the same as our highlights, shadows, whites and blacks sliders that I have here. And I choose to use these over the tone curve because I believe that I have a lot more control with these.

Now, I very seldomly use the, this tone curve. I do still keep it in my in my menu if you'd like to get rid of it. All you have to do is right click and check tonker if you want to back right click and check tone curb. Again, I don't use Said I believe it's pretty much the same as these four adjustments. And I have a lot of control over that right here, so we won't be using a lot of tonker. Another thing I'd like to discuss is when we are editing and we move our sliders, a simple way to reset them and start over is to double click on the word of that slider itself.

So if you make some sort of mistake or freaking out and you don't know how to reset it, instead of dragging it back in wondering where zero is, you can just double click and that will reset it. I also do that often throughout the videos you will see that so please keep that in mind. Double click on any word and it will reset your slider to zero. So that brings us into history. So here on this panel You have a history of every single thing you've done to the image. So anytime you make a mistake, or you've your phone rings, and you look over and you click something and something happens, and you want to go back to to earlier from that image, you can just click here, and it has absolutely all of your history from when you started.

So all of this is your history. And that is very important to know that way you don't start deeded over and the one at the very top, that is your latest adjustment, but sometimes you'll you'll hear the phone ringing or you'll have to go to the bathroom and you'll accidentally hit something. It's very important to know that your history is right here. Now I keep this close throughout the entire editing process that you'll see in the next videos simply to get more. Fill up the screen more to make it easier for everybody to see including myself. But if you make it a habit to have your history here, that's okay too.

I often use this history menu to go back to places. Sometimes I'll make an adjustment and I won't like it. So I'll just click the history and that'll take me back. Another very important tool is this toolbar right here. And what this does is it allows us to secrets to zoom in, zoom out. But most importantly, when you press the Y key, and this will give you a before and after.

Now here, you can set up set that up however you'd like. You can have it side by side by side. You can have it up and down. You can have it like this. This is my favorite because I can see everything that I've ever done. So this is really important to have, and that's pressing your y key to check before and after.

And you'll see throughout the videos, we'll be using the Y key often. Now the next thing I want to cover is the O key. Once we have this local adjustments, let's say we create an adjustment here. To see what we're doing, we're going to press the O key. And this will highlight that adjustment in red. And this here, let me draw another one here.

And this will just make it easier for you to see what you're doing. So by pressing the O key, you can turn it on and off. And this is very helpful when you're first starting out. Let me delete these. So those are some simple things that we're going to be using pretty much all the time while we're editing. And those are very, very important shortcuts very important.

Keys to keep your Lightroom origin Nice to start developing some sense of repetition in your workflow. That way you can create your own signature style. But this is very, very easy to use and it simplifies your workflow by 100%

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