Some basic tips about black and white photography, high contrast works best. So when you're doing your lighting ratios if you've got some good highlights and some deep shadows, black and whites benefit from that, always shoot in color and convert in post and that way, if the color works and the black and white doesn't, you've still got an image. But one of the things you should do is when you post processing flicking over to black and white like Lightroom has some presets for instance if you're using Adobe Lightroom as your photography editing software and I suggest you do is really software really easy to use. Just flick them over and you'll start to see which ones work in black and white and then sometimes you might get this choice but while it's brilliant in color, it looks brilliant in black and white, which one do I give off and what I'll do is give them both and it's often only a preset if you use the light Roman a few adjustments, and you've got really good black and white Images.
So that's some basic tips for that if you want to create black and white portraits, make sure you've got contrast, boy shooting color, and test all your images and see which ones are working as black and white when you post process.