Welcome to Week 2: Nourish Secret. To get your best body, the first step is limiting or cutting out processed foods, sugars, and the major allergen-causing foods, which we covered in our first week. The second step is filling your body with micro and macro nutrients that will help you become slimmer. Fat loss is actually a result of better nutrition. When our systems work adequately, any fatty substances we may consume will be used as energy sources instead of getting stored in our bodies. If you just gave birth to a beautiful new baby, you would want to fuel her with the best nutrients available, right? But we forget to apply any of these principles when we are grown-up and independent from our mothers. I used to think that adopting healthy eating habits is time-consuming and not enjoyable. The truth is, I discovered a whole new world and enjoyed experimenting with easy, quick recipes that our bodies love. I am so excited to share with you my favourite recipes. Not only are they delicious, but they are guilt free and good for your hips and lips;) So let’s stop dieting, start nourishing your body to become sexy fit and slim!