Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets

Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course Oracle R12 General Ledger
42 minutes
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In this video we are going to discuss a port introduction to GL module plexuses and segments. These are the topics we are going to cover in this video. Introduction to GL what is a GL Model A GL is a first model in financials. in Oracle financials the GL model is their first model, but it is a gL gL means general ledger. General Ledger it is a first model in Oracle financials. In this module we are going to define a different type of setups General Ledger setups okay and using of that setup, we are going to create a different type of business transactions that are transactions are called journal entries.

So you The GDL model we are going to define that general interest but as a generalization transaction it comprising of the two lines again Elisa, one transaction, it comprising of the two lines. The first one is the debit line and second one is the credit line. The first one is a debit line and the second one is the credit line how it becomes debit how it becomes credit payments with help of some accounting rules with help of some accounting rules, the accounting rules are given by the accounting system. With help of the rules, some icons become debit and some icon becomes credit. But as their own spins what comes in debit what goes out credit. All expenses losses are a debit All incomes and gains under credit.

These are the accounting rules with the help of this rules, some icons are become debit under credit. In the GL module, we are going to rise a different type of transaction with a different type of journal entries. Okay, any journal entry you take it comprising of that two lines debit line and credit line before raising the transactions first we need to create our company's structure Okay, so before going to rise transactions first we need to create our company structure. What is your company structure? How to create your company structure. Actually how to create a company structure means with help up down flat surface with help up flexibility.

In our application, the most important topic is staff Let's face there is a two types of flexible said there. The Oracle Application provided two types of flexibilities. But as a two types the first one is the key flexibility and second one is the descriptive lexical. The Oracle Application provided two types of lexer face. The first one is a key fluffy. And the second one is that this crypto flexible it is a key flexible a key flexible is the mandatory flexible fail.

It stores some key business key or mandatory information of the business. The key flexible stores the mandatory information of the business and whereas the descriptive flexo fail descriptor flexibility User two captures them extra information of the resonance extra information of their business. Basically as their functional people functional consultant, we are going to define the key flexitarians to captures that key are mandatory information of the business. Okay. By the fund the Oracle Application provided standard key flexibility in each and every module. By default or fill application provided standard type of key plexuses in each and every module with help of the key flexible we are going to constructing our one flexible okay we tell pop that key flex to fail.

We are going to constructing our one flexible structure. With help of this structure we are going to create our company Structure Okay, so in the GL model already, by default there is a three types of key flex skills are provided by Oracle. But as that one is the GL ledger key flexible and report the second one is a reporting attribute accounting and third one is accounting key philosophy. These are the three types of key flexibilities in GL module. Out of these three accounting key flexibilities they're mandatory flexibly. Out of the sneaky flexor fails, accounting key flex field is mandatory flex to fail.

With the help of accounting keys let's say we are going to create our company structure with help of accounting key flex Sophie, we are going to create our company structure. So how Define the company structure means with help of the accounting key flexible okay. So, what is the accounting key flexible accounting key flexible is compressing of the forces. Accounting key flexible is comprising of the forces. But as a forces the first one is a chart of accounts. The first one is a chart of accounts.

Second one is the currency. Third one is the calendar and fourth one is a convention. The content key flexible is comprising of de forces. But as the forces the first one is a chart of accounts. Second one is the currency. Third one is the calendar fourth one is convention Okay.

Now, let us discuss about one by one. The first one is Chart of Accounts, what is a chart of accounts? a chart of accounts is a collection of segments. A Chart of Accounts is a collection of segments what is a segment? A segment is a one field a segment is there one thing we can store some list of values into those segment we can store some list of values into that segment okay. So, we can store some list of any values.

Maybe you can store numeric type of values, or maybe we can store character type of values. Or maybe we can store the type of a list any any value you take. In one segment, we can show some list of value Yes Okay. Suppose if you want to construct in any company structure, so, minimum we required that two segments that is one is company segment and second one is a cone segment artist we can define three company department accounts. So, in company any company you take departments also they write according to the department we are going to create their accounts okay. So, main department is not mandatory if you want to create you can create but minimum to us a mandatory company and account okay.

So, any company structure you take, there is a three segments are their company, department and account. One is a company segment second one is the department segment And third one is there a concept using up this this segments, we are going to define our company chat Of course, but maximum we can define that the segment minimum is two and maximum is 30 segments maximum expected segments in one company structure will define maximum 30 segments minimum you can define two or three like the company department account or company account and maximum you can define that the segment's in one company structure maximum you can define that these segments according to our client requirement. According your client requirement, we are going to define segments Okay, so this is a topic Finish chapter five we're going to declaring the segments here okay and second one is the currency what is the currency currency is nothing but a company functional currency currency is nothing but a company functional currency.

Functional currency means what currency the company using while defining that transactions because in Oracle Applications already there is a standard currencies are already defined according to the country by default the standard currencies already defined okay. So, based on your company location, we select one currency as our functional currency okay. So, based on your company location, we are going to selecting one currency as your functional currency. Why because delay we have to do different type of transactions. In company, if you want to do the transaction compulsory we need a currency we need a currency what currency are using, you're using INR currency. Suppose you are companies in India, we have to use the currency as INR.

If the currency in us, we have to use a currency as $1 or whatever currency in the Europe, we have to use that Europe currency or your company in Australia. We are to use the Australian dollar right. So, wherever companies located based on that location, we are going to use this currency Okay. So, we declared one currency as our functional currency of our company. We declared one currency as our company functional currency. Always the company maintains one currency as a functional currency.

Always company maintains only one core one currency, that color, functional currency or transactional currency of the company. And maybe sometimes they can maintain different type of reporting currencies also. What is the reporting currencies and reporting currency is nothing but other than your functional currency. Reporting currency is nothing but other than your functional currency. What are their currency used by the company? So, that currency called as that reporting currency other than your functional currency, what are their currency used by the company that currency we called as their reporting currency.

Always the company maintains one functional currency and maybe they can help multiple reporting currencies also. Always the main chain only one functional currency, but they can have multiple reporting currencies Okay, if they want to work on any one reporting currency comfortably, they go for conversion Why? Because If the company is in India, the currency used is Ayana. But they can have a client in us they can have a client in Australia, they can have a client in Europe okay. So, where the client is located if they want to work on the the client come past me they have to go for the currency conversions. If they want to work on the currency conversions come first that is the needed conversion arrange.

The conversion rate is not a six is fluctuating daily, whenever they want to work on the reporting currency, because they have to go for that conversion. If they want to do the conversion will require up to date conversion rate. Their conversion rate is not a fixed is fluctuating dynamic. Whenever they want to do the conversion they require up to date conversion rates okay based on the conversion date the currency is converted from functional currency into reporting currency or reporting currency into functional currency okay. So, this is a currency chap always the company main change only one currency there is nothing but a functional currency of that company okay um what is it third one is calendar is a calendar basically the calendars can contain set dates, month, months right. In GL there is a two types of calendars are there, the values the fiscal calendar and second one is the financial calendar.

What is a fiscal calendar the fiscal calendar is starts from first a January and ending is 31st to December. The fiscal calendar starts from first to January and the ending is 31st to December. So totally the calendar can contains totally 12 months. Here in Oracle Application the month is called as the period means totally contents to all periods. And the second type of calendar is financial calendar. The financial calendar starts from April 1 and ending is 31st of March next year.

It is also comprising of totally 12 months 12 periods. So, these are the two types of calendars in GL according to our requirement, maybe you can create one calendar maybe it's a financial calendar or maybe deserve fiscal calendar, compulsory one calendar is mandatory compulsory, one calendar is mandatory okay. So why because according to the period wise we are going to create a transactions according to the period wise, we are going to create that transactions. Okay, after completing the transactions, the details of the transactions are stored according to that date twice the ledger, the details transactions are stored according to that date twice. That's why the calendar is also a mandatory for flexible structure. There is a two types of calendars out there.

The first one is the fiscal calendar and second one is financial calendar where you can create any one calendar one calendar year Manage okay. And the last one is the fourth this is nothing but a convention. The fourth this is nothing but a convention. What is it convention? a convention is nothing but a sub ledger accounting method, SLE sub ledger accounting. Actually, the convention is the enhancement in our tool.

The convention is that enhancement in our tool, it's not in the world version 11 a version. Now, the latest version of application is actual. Now, the latest version of application is Archer. Okay. It will incarnate the convention may To these enhancement in our tool and this method also called as a SLM method. This method also called as a Scalia method is actually a sub ledger accounting method.

Okay, so by default, the darker application provided sublet germinator with help of that subledger the system create accounting journals. Actually this method is not mandatory to the GL apart from the GL, if you want to work on any other modules at the time the convention method is the mandatory method apart from the GL if you want to work on in any other materials at the time that convention method is done mandatory method. By default, the Oracle Application provided convention method. So we need to assign the method to GL after assigning whenever we complete any transactions in any other modules, by default, the system create accounting journal for the transactions into the sub ledger the sub ledger the lender self created after that finally transferred to that GL module. Okay, so these are the four cases if you want to constructing any company Chart of Accounts. First up, she says are the mandatory cherub icons, currency calendar first, this is the mandatory icons currency and calendar the fourth This is not a mandate it is optional.

The fourth This is not a mandatory it is optional may or may not be may or may not be okay. Now let us go to define first chat Africans. So how before going to define the chat app icons first we need to log into the application right. So first we need to log into the application and go to login to the GL module go to log into the GL module. So how to log into the GL module means with help of one responsibility with help of Devon responsibility as a functional consultant if you want to work on any other modules, compulsory We need one responsibility. We need one responsibility.

The responsibilities are given by that DBA. Already, darkened application provided standard responsibilities to each and every model. Already underneath the Oracle Application provided standard responsibility to each and every module. If you want to work on any other module compulsory, we need one responsibility. All the responsibilities are captured by the DBA to the users. Okay, so now I'm going to log into the GL.

I'm going to log into the application after login to the application, go to select the GL responsibility. What is the GL responsibility By default, the arkell application provided when standard has transferred into the GL module. So there is the responsibility name is real and real super user Mission Operations GL super user vision operation This is a standard responsibility of the GL. With help of the responsibility we are going to log into the GL. What is the responsibility and responsibility is nothing but a one type of permission. If you want to work on in any other module, we require one standard responsibility.

If you want to work on in any other module, we require a one standard responsibility. The responsibilities are provided by the DB. Okay. Now I'm going to log into the application with help of operations and welcome passport. After login to the application displays all the responsibilities. Now I'm going to switch responsibility now displays all the responsibilities.

Now I want to log into the GL On splitting, the standard responsibility of GL model is general ledger vision operations. It is a standard responsibility of the GL. Select this responsibility and then irresponsible is a collection of menus. It displays on the GL mentors. Each man is a collection of submenus and functions. Each menu is a collection of submenu sub function.

So this is all the GL minus genders, bad debts and glary, currency consolidation reports, set up and other all these are the menus. Each and every menu is a collection of sub menus or functions. So when I entered the packets, enter, define, generate, share, do all these other sub menus. Then I click on any one sub menu displays that function budget, organization mass budget formula controls are designed that function when And then a call any function it return human standard form it returns one standard form. Okay, this is are we we want to call any fun we have to use this irresponsibility. Okay.

So I'll still log into the GL module now I'm going to define a chart of icons. How did you find the chart of icon what is the navigation is sector financials, Lexus IS key segments. The navigation is setup, financials, Lexus keys segments. This is a navigation to constructing the chart of icons and so this is one standard from the spirit. So actually already flexibles already created by the Oracle right standard Flexible sat they now go to query more query the standard key flex collection This is a protected fill right, we cannot enter anything they cannot fill sir the protected fields we cannot enter anything, but we are going to query the existing values. So, in GL model already the flexible is already created by the system, there is a key three types of key flex tools are there.

First we need to query the flexibility or we can query let's go to query mode press f7 and enter the application name as gender ledger just do the perfect send percent time and press Ctrl F level. Okay, so now this is the first flexible GL ledger flexibly yes with donor reporting that rivet accounting has done or one more time and accounting lesson. Out of these three accounting flexibilities. They're mandatory reflexively out of these three accounting flexibilities de mon retroflex fail with help of accounting flexible we are going to constructing our company structure okay so select the flexible title as a content key plus a content flexible and put the cursor on the code after that go to click on the New button now that new line is created I want to create my company chart of account structure now Okay, so just go to click on the new one new line is created now go to view our company's structure name.

But is it name of your company structure? enter any name the name is purely user defined right you can enter any name Okay, so now I entered the test underscore Accounting structure I enter my company structure discussed accounting just accounting structure okay counting structure Structure support and title both are the same always by default the code and the title both are the same and description is not mandatory if you want enter the description you can enter otherwise no need okay. So, whenever we open any standard form some things that appear in their local a local or since are the mandatory fields you must change the violence of this ello color please Okay, now I am this company structure name is test accounting structure. After that go to click on the segments button. A Chart of Accounts is a collection of segments right. Now go to define the segments first is a company segment and where the values are displayed means actually there is a tactical segments are they right?

Now I want to display the company segments into this segment one, okay. And what is the value set for this segment one company means what type of values you want to enter in this value set, go to define a value set one value set to the company's segment, how to define the value segments click on the Value Set button. There is a one more farmers display I want to create a company value search. Best company and description is not mandatory. And what is the listed type here these types are the three types of one is a list of values. Second one is a long list of lists.

Third one is a populace. So here are arrays elements list of values whenever we select the list of lists, by default, take that 2000 values maximum. Okay. And what is the security type here some mandatory Security type. So because there is a three types of security types out there are no security hierarchical security non hierarchical security, I'm going to selecting the non hierarchical why because the security is given by the user whenever they want. hierarchical means the security is a third party security that security given by the third party only okay.

But whenever you want to manipulate the security types compulsory, we need a permission that we have to select the non hierarchical means whenever we need a security at the time we independently we are going to define a circularity to those segments. And what is the format type format type is nothing but a data type. So there is already standard data types are there. I'm going to selecting the character and what is a maximum size of feature value. So I enter 10 and what is the validation type? This is also most important, so totally the Evaluation types of totally eight types of all these eight types are given by the Oracle it's a standard types of serve another important interview question also.

The standard types of India independent dependent none. Spatial table translatable, independent, translatable defendant out of height or to our we have to use one is the independent and second one is a defendant. So when I select the independent as a value set that value set values is not dependent on any other values. If you're independent of it, it's a parent dependent means when I select the dependent value set the dependent values must be entered independent under parent dependent on the parent of set child. Now in this case, we select their dependent independent only why because companies are this independent segment. Okay after that go to savage The name is already used Company value set okay and assign the value set to our company's segment called company.

Next is a second segment, then do the department. So department violence or saving the segment to okay and go to creative one more value set for a department. Reset list type is a list of files. Security type is anonymous adequate security current, maximum size is 10 and the independent third is a count segment to create ever more value set for the segment. misstep is a list of circulators non hierarchical character maximum sizes and it's independent count Okay, so after defining these three and if you want to create any more you can create but manually set the right I'm going to define a product because there is done the client sometimes they ask in creation of product segment also okay. So according to the requirements we are going to define the segments yet created one more.

Step is a list of values such as non hierarchical maximum and its independent okay. So, like this you're going to define the segments. Now, my company structure is a four segment structure I declared four segments after that Go to sell the structure no transaction complete fire record supplied and sale. The next step is After defining the segments you cannot make any more changes that as a phrase done okay After defining the segment now go to assign that qualifiers to the segments. Basically the qualifiers are the two types one is a flexible qualifiers and second one is a segment qualifier. lexical qualifies a segment qualifies now in this moment we are going to stand in the flexible qualifiers by default already the system provided different type of qualifiers.

Okay, so with help of these qualifiers, we are going to tax in some extra information, some new features to the segments. Okay. Now go to click on the qualifies button. There is a different type of If I said they're out of fun now too as a magnet the one is the balancing qualifier and second one is a national qualifier Okay, so now put the cursor on the company's segment click on them qualifies button. Now what is the first one is company companies are balancing segment qualifier always when I send the company is a balancing segment qualified always the company segment accepting the unique type of values every time okay so it is not allowed to enter the duplicate values always the companies segment accepting their unique type of values every time on so always the company's balancing segment qualify Okay, put the cursor on the company segment and make it it is as I make it as enable the balancing segment after that notice.

Okay and second segment is the National account. So count is a national icon qualifier okay put the cursor on the account click on the qualifies button and count is de national account on using of this natural record we are going to sign in the accounting features to our account segment means it will take all the standard records what comes in debit what goes on credit all expenses losses are the debit all incomes and gains are record okay. And department if you want to assign the department is a cost center if you want to assign you can assign otherwise no need are so it's not mandatory. Okay, so Okay, so after assigning the qualifies go to save the structure one more time and close this segment. Our company structure is a four segment structure. Now Now go to compile the structure before going to compiling.

First of all, how can we be One checkbox here. Allow dynamic inserts. This is a mandatory checkbox I'll explain later this checkbox. Okay now this checkbox and before compilation, first you have to go to phrase it. After phrasing you cannot make any more changes into the structure. If you want to make more changes, unfreeze the structure and make more changes okay and go to compiling compiling lexical definition.

Now the flexible is compiling. After compilation is completed then you will get the message. The flexible was compiled successfully submit a request to generate the flexible view GL code combination Okay. Now you get a message transaction complete one record upload and save. So, now we created our company structure with the members test accounting structure. The company structure name is test accounting structure.

In this structure we are going to define that four segments. The first one is that company segment second one is the department segment third one is a con segment and fourth one is their product second, outer for two as a magnetic company under account. So, that's going to be how to assign that qualifies to two segments, companies always balancing segment qualify department is their national counter qualifier. So, after defining them, structure, we cannot make any more changes on the structure. We cannot change the segments and when cannot delete existing segments also. Okay, so now we created a company chart up and this is a first set of chart of accounts.

After that next step is go to enter the values on each and every segments. Next step is go to enter the values on each and every segment because yet, we declared the three segments right company department account. In each segment we are going to enter the values. So we assign the list type as a list of wireless printers, we can assign more than values for up to 2000 runners. In each segment, we can enter up to 2000 values, okay, enter the values on each and every segment. Okay, after entering then the first chapter fair conscious completed.

After that go to define a currency and callin Okay, in the next video we'll see how to enter the value Santa each and every segment okay

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