Okay, so we've done that case study, really, as a summary, to remind you how to go through that process of culture change. We've focused on safety here. It's the same process for other cultural change projects that you might have a few final words, culture change, is in some respects, easy. So it's deceptively easy, because a lot of the things we've talked about on this session are common sense. Things like making sure that safety equipment is available, things like actually telling people that you think safety is the priority. Things like using it yourself.
These are kind of common sense things. And you might think, well, it's easy. But on the other hand, it's also more complex than you might think, because it's about lots of different individual bits of behavior is the aggregate of These lots of individual decisions based upon beliefs and perceptions that people bring with them, and are influenced through that social interaction. My advice is to keep it as simple as you can, by identifying specific behaviors, and tackling each of those using the method I've shown you. So first of all, know what the culture is you want, think about what the behaviors you will be looking at. And then think about how you're going to influence people to carry out those behaviors.
Now, as always, we're really interested in how you get on applying the things that you learn our courses, so please get back to us feedback, let us know how you got on tell us your experiences and we can share that with others. So do you want to add another facet to your culture, check out our other modules including creating a culture of continuous improvement. creating a culture of customer care. Thank you for watching.