In windows on the past, we learn of the birth and development of our universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, and humans including the insemination experiments that helped them move from animal to human take place. The next set of experiments was done with the addition of the chakras. Then the brain was restructured. We learn about the soul’s journey and the processes of reincarnation, eternal life and birth, and death. We are given a look at what the new creation will be like, shedding light on Biblical misinterpretations and discussing the 7 gifts, 7 virtues, and 7 new concepts. All of this will give you a compressed view of creation and evolution.
There are many reasons why this class would be ideal. For one thing, the present movement of people who believe in reincarnation and of the God within (our inner being) is growing at a very fast pace. It is outdistancing any growth taking place in the churches. The churches are actually losing members to the new spiritual movement. It is definitely time that updated material be put forth in a logical way so the ordinary person can relate to it. At the same time, those with more education are also finding a deeper meaning to their lives from it. There will be no disparagement of the Bible. This new material is correcting misinterpretations that have been around too long. It will make the Bible more believable to have the fairy tales explained and updated with new evolutionary understanding.
This new material is from an “inside” look at things and I believe it is very important to the spiritual evolution and physical growth of humanity. These teachings will help to gently open people’s minds as to other forms of life on other planets. We are not alone, have never been alone, only in our own mind.
The New Millennium Notebooks, based on the Chrysalis Teachings, tie science and spirituality together to give updated insights into present-day spiritual teachings. No church is involved; the Chrysalis Teachings will stand alone on the basis of their integrity as a way to introduce people to the new spiritual teachings.